Government expenditure

Annual Scottish Government spending summaries.

Government Expenditure: 2023 to 2024

Public Relations

Public Relations expenditure supports the Scottish Government’s engagement with the public, it includes:

  • staffing costs for frontline communications, who work flexibly across all portfolios depending on demand;
  • social marketing which encourages people to take steps that will improve their lives;
  • the provision of information about changes that people need to be aware of to support public debate about major policy proposals;
  • digital communications; and
  • corporate communications which support organisational and staff development to enhance the Scottish Government’s service to the public.

A breakdown of marketing expenditure incurred by the SG communications team by campaign is published annually on the Scottish Government website. The total marketing spend in 2022-23 was £7.2 million and in 2023-24 totalled £5.04 million.

The cost of frontline communications is also published annually on the Scottish Government website.

Public Relations






*Restated to include costs of Brand Scotland, which is set out in 2023-24 spend

Overseas Travel

The total represents expenditure incurred on overseas travel by staff and ministers on official business in the core SG, covering travel to and from the United Kingdom, the cost of hotels, travel and subsistence and any other related expenditure.

Overseas Travel






Hospitality and Entertainment

The total represents expenditure on hospitality and entertainment incurred by the core Scottish Government as recorded in the accounting system in accordance with internal procedures.

Hospitality and Entertainment






*Restated following review of contracts and split between events and payments to support day to day canteen services.

External Consultancy

The total represents expenditure on consultancy incurred by the core Scottish Government as recorded in the accounting system in accordance with internal procedures, including expenditure directly coded to consultancy account codes and a review of all other expenditure areas for spend incurred with organisations that would be considered consultants.

Expenditure was then reviewed to ensure it covers spend as follows:

  • professional services such as management consultancy, IT consultancy, financial consultancy, construction or infrastructure related consultancy, research and evaluation and policy development (including feasibility studies).
  • based on the services being procured rather than the name of the supplier or the supplier’s own description of the service (to note previous FOIs for which spend is higher has, for example, included an ask for all spend under certain companies).
  • it does not include outsourcing or buying in technical or specialist services such as legal advice and representation or recruitment services (spend reported elsewhere will be higher where it includes this definition).

External Consultancy






Payments with a value over £25,000

The core Scottish Government proactively publishes a monthly report of payments with a value over £25,000.

Annual reports are also published.

Remuneration – Employees

Details of employees who received remuneration in excess of £150,000 in the core Scottish Government in financial years 2022-23 to 2023-24 is set out below:

Salary in excess of £150,000

Number of People





Details of the salary and pension entitlements of the Scottish Government’s Senior Management Team are published annually within Remuneration and Staff Report as part of the Scottish Government's Consolidated Annual Accounts.

Remuneration – Special Advisers

The total remuneration (salary costs, employer national insurance and employer pension contributions) paid to special advisers employed during the financial years 2022-23 to 2023-24 are as follows:

Remuneration-Special Advisors






Further information on the latest data is set out on the Scottish Parliament Website.


Phone: 0300 244 4000 
The Scottish Government 
St Andrew's House 
Regent Road 

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