
Grangemouth Future Industry Board minutes: October 2020

Minutes from the meeting of the Grangemouth Future Industry Board on 23 October 2020.

Attendees and apologies


  • Scottish Government
  • Scottish Enterprise
  • Falkirk Council
  • Scottish Futures Trust
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Transport Scotland

Items and actions


The key aim of the board is to set up a forum with key senior policy makers and decision influencers to coordinate public sector initiatives on growing economic activity at the Grangemouth industrial cluster. 

The purpose of this meeting was for members to share introductions and discuss board composition and governance papers; Terms of Reference, Programme Initiation Document, Relationships and Governance, GFIB priorities over the next 12 months and GFIB workstreams.

Key Board decisions

  • Board agreement that Skills and Qualifications should be included in the scope of the Programme Initiation Document due to close links with industry and the gap for skills in Grangemouth. To support this, Forth Valley College should be invited to join the board
  • Board agreed that all workstream leads should be agreed collectively by the end of the second meeting
  • community engagement will be crucial moving forward - discussion for a future board meeting. Falkirk Council to lead this discussion
  • collective agreement that the deliverables have a very strong focus on net zero, which is important, but there will also be other key deliverables such as traditional or routine/enabling infrastructure and its maintenance
  • Board to agree deliverables by the end of the 2nd meeting of GFIB but these need to be linked to the overall objectives of the board
  • Board agreed to establish a series of qualitative targets as a sensible way to reinforce the Board’s purpose, and ensure that GFIB delivers against that purpose, and acts in the way it was intended to. Progress will be monitored by making targets a standing agenda item for future meetings

Actions summary

Action no. Action description Date for completion
1 Secretariat and SG Resilience to discuss offline what would be in scope with regards to Resilience representative and update scope of this workstream accordingly. Consider bringing East of Scotland Regional Resilience Partnership (RRP) lead onto Board. 14/12/2020
2 Board to explore how skills can be brought into scope; consider specifically whether a rep from Forth Valley College should be brought onto Board given training opportunities and industry links.   14/12/2020
3 Secretariat to consider how shifting trade landscape can be better reflected across the workstreams and reference EU exit trade changes in documents. 14/12/2020
4 Offline, Board members to consider GFIB Paper 01(03) Relationships and Governance, slide 2 policy interdependencies – and inform Secretariat of milestones to be added.     14/12/2020
5 Mr McKee, Minister for Trade, Investment and Innovation to be added to ministerial reporting structure on Relationships & Governance.     14/12/2020
6 Deliverables within GFIB Paper 01(04) Priorities over next 12 months to be agreed by end of next meeting, early December.   14/12/2020
7 Transport Scotland is actively looking into lines of enquiry around new areas for the automotive sector – TS to take away and consider if there needs to be an objective. 14/12/2020
8 Secretariat to liaise with Board members and draft outline qualitative targets, to be discussed and agreed at December meeting. 14/12/2020
9 GFIB to agree all workstream leads by end of next meeting in December.   14/12/2020
10 Secretariat to consider how GFIB can link in Bioeconomy team. 14/12/2020
11 Consider and agree best way to engage community with FC.  14/12/2020
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