Grangemouth Future Industry Board Programme Board minutes: August 2024

A meeting of the GFIB Programme Board on 19 August 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Calachem
  • Celtic Renewables
  • CVS Falkirk
  • Falkirk Council
  • Federation of Small Businesses
  • Forth Ports
  • Forth Valley College
  • Grangemouth (inc. Skinflats) Community Council
  • National Grid ESO
  • Scottish Enterprise
  • Scottish Futures Trust
  • Scottish Government
  • SEPA
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • STUC
  • Syngenta
  • UK Government
  • Unite the Union

Items and actions

Item 1: Welcome and Introductions

The Chair Derek Shaw (Scottish Enterprise) welcomed members. The Chair expressed appreciation for all the hard work the Scottish Government have put in to get GFIB to where we are today. Since the last meeting, Scottish Enterprise has progressed the setting up a Programme Office, which will provide structure and support for the GFIB Programme Board, workstreams and associated projects.

Item 2: Update on the Just Transition Plan for Grangemouth

A Scottish Government official provided an update on the Grangemouth Just Transition plan.

Item 3: Update from the Scottish Government

A Scottish Government official provided an update on developments following the UK General Election earlier this year. Both UK Government and Scottish Government have reiterated a focus on Grangemouth, and it was noted that the GFIB Leadership Forum will now be co-chaired the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero or his Undersecretary, alongside Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy for the Scottish Government.

Item 4: Project Willow

A representative from INEOS provided an update on Project Willow.

Item 5: GFIB Programme Board June Meeting

The Chair provided a brief update on the previous meeting, including the outputs from the workstream workshops.

Item 6: GFIB Workstreams

The workstream lead for each of the following workstreams provided an update:

1) Strategy and Policy Alignment

2) Jobs and Skills

3) Place and Community

The group gave their endorsement to the work to date and future direction presented.

Item 7: Industrial Decarbonisation Research & Innovation Centre paper

The Group noted their support for the bid outlined in the IDRIC paper and agreed that a presentation at a future date would be welcomed.

Item 8: AOB

It was agreed that the GFIB Programme Board Terms of Reference (TOR) would be shared with the group prior to the next meeting, and that these would be presented for endorsement by the Group.

Item 9: Close

The Chair thanked attendees for their contribution to the discussion and drew the meeting to a close.


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