Grangemouth Future Industry Board Programme Board minutes: June 2024

Minutes of the Grangemouth Future Industry Board Programme Board meeting held on 13 June 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Scottish Government
  • Office for the Secretary of State for Scotland
  • Scottish Enterprise
  • Scottish Futures Trust
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Falkirk Council
  • Forth Valley College
  • CVS Falkirk
  • Federation of Small Businesses
  • Scottish Development International
  • SEPA
  • Unite the Union
  • STUC
  • Forth Ports
  • Syngenta
  • Ineos
  • Ineos O&P
  • Petroineos
  • Celtic Renewables
  • Calachem

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

Derek Shaw (Scottish Enterprise) welcomed members and reiterated the responsibility of GFIB to progress and deliver the Grangemouth Just Transition Plan.

Update from the Scottish Government

A Scottish Government official provided an update on procedures around the UK General Election scheduled for 4 July and how these may affect the work of the GFIB Leadership Forum. This was followed by an update on the draft Grangemouth Just Transition plan.

Programme Board actions and provisional workstreams

Attendees discussed the recommendations set out at the previous Programme Board meeting on 23 April 2024, which included a proposed set of priority actions for the Board to progress. Attendees also discussed a set of provisional workstreams for the Programme Board.


Derek Shaw thanked attendees for their contribution to the discussion and drew the meeting to a close.

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