
Grangemouth Industrial Cluster - draft Just Transition plan: consultation

We are seeking views on the proposed vision and Just Transition Plan for the Grangemouth Industrial Cluster (Supporting a fair transition for Scotland's core manufacturing cluster), which we have set out in the draft document. We want the views of community, business, third sector and all those with an interest in Grangemouth to shape the final publication in 2025.

How This Document Should be Used


This document has been developed sequentially, in line with the Scottish Government's Just Transition Planning Framework. This follows a process of developing a data driven Baseline to map current circumstances, a Vision for the future, an Action Plan outlining how we will get there, and a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to support periodic review and improvement.

Over the last year, we have developed these components through extensive research of available data, interviews and a series of in-depth workshops with a wide range of stakeholders across industry, trade unions, the wider Scottish public sector, and the Grangemouth community. At each stage of this process we have fed back initial findings to participants as part of the co-design process. Feedback gathered from this consultation will continue this process as we develop the final plan, due for publication at the end of 2024.

Just Transition Outcomes

Jobs, Skills Economic Opportunities

People and Equity

Communities and Places

Adaptation, Biodiversity and Environment

Baseline - Where are we now?

  • Assess economic impact
  • Current emissions
  • Outline jobs and skills landscape
  • Articulate existing challenges
  • Understand community perspectives

Vision - Where do we want to go?

  • Identify key industrial transitional pillars
  • Outline Just Transition Outcomes
  • Understand drivers of change
  • Transition Levers

Action Plan - What are we going to do?

  • Based on inputs from baseline and vision
  • Outline proposals and activity, focused on Just Transition Outcomes
  • Identify action owners

Monitoring and Evaluation - How will we measure success?

  • Use Just Transition Outcomes as end goals
  • Articulate specific indicators linked to outcomes
  • Identify available data sets to inform indicators
  • Establish reporting cycles


This document is a draft for consultation.

We are now in a critical stage of development of the Just Transition Plan for Grangemouth – seeking feedback and clarification, on whether our vision is an accurate reflection of our shared ambition for the future and whether the actions planning accurately prioritises initial activity to achieve this. During the months ahead, it will be essential for us to draw on the right evidence base and work closely with partners to co-design the policy and support measures that will maximise the impact of any intervention to support Grangemouth's Just Transition.

This document corresponds with an online consultation that poses a series of questions related to each section of the plan, that will seek feedback on the content and recommendations. We welcome all responses to the corresponding consultation and encourage everyone with a vested interest to engage with the Grangemouth Future Industry Board as we develop this plan.



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