
Green Heat Finance Taskforce minutes: May 2022

Summary and action points from the meeting of the group on 4 May 2022.

Attendees and apologies


  • Patrick Harvie MSP, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenant’s Rights (meeting Chair)
  • Sara Thiam, Scottish Council for Development and Industry
  • Kirsty Hamilton, Independent 
  • Sandy MacDonald, Scottish Financial Enterprise 
  • Emma Harvey, Green Finance Institute 
  • Eddie McAvinchey, Scottish National Investment Bank 
  • Ian Cochran, Edinburgh University Business School/Institute for Climate Economics 
  • Helen Melone, Scottish Renewables 
  • Rufus Grantham, Bankers Without Boundaries 
  • Simon McWhirter, UK Green Building Council Scotland 
  • Lewis Shand Smith, Energy Consumers Commission
  • Andy Kerr, Climate KIC


  • Carole Stewart, Scottish Government, Heat in Buildings Division
  • Lorraine King, Scottish Government, Heat in Buildings Division
  • Michelle Rayneard, Scottish Government, Heat in Buildings Division
  • Toby Tucker, Scottish Futures Trust, Net Zero Team

Items and actions

Welcome and apologies

The Minister welcomed members to the third meeting of the Green Heat Finance Taskforce. No apologies were received.

Summary note and actions points from previous meeting, including member notification of any conflicts of interest

All members confirmed they were content with the summary note and action points from the previous meeting. No conflicts of interest were raised. Members were reminded to raise any potential conflicts of interest during the meeting should the need arise.

Engagement strategy update, taskforce secretariat

The secretariat summarised the priority topics for the taskforce for this year and confirmed that this meeting’s focus was on owner occupiers and that the next meeting in July would cover tenements and multiple occupancy multiple use buildings. The September meeting will cover social housing and in November, non- domestic and SME’s. A summary of offers received from taskforce members to help support wider stakeholder engagement was provided.

Action 1: Secretariat to host and run a number of round table events in 2022 to gather evidence and views on challenges and opportunities.

Emma Harvey, Green Finance Institute: presentation on green lending products

Emma presented on the development of the green lending market in the UK; including secured and unsecured lending options and work underway to further develop this market.

Taskforce secretariat: presentation on heat and energy efficiency servitisation models and supply chain finance

Taskforce Secretariat presented on servitisation models.

Group Discussion: developing taskforce recommendations for the owner occupier and private rented sector 

Members were divided into two groups; one to discuss green lending products, the other servitisation models

Action 2: Secretariat to provide a summary of each breakout discussion.

Emma Harvey, Green Finance Institute: presentation on developing finance pilots by Emma Harvey

The presentation focused on place based investments and partnerships to establish pilot schemes.

Any other business and plan for next meeting

Minister reminded the taskforce that the July meeting will have a hybrid format with members able to attend in person in Glasgow or join online. The meeting will focus on Tenements and Multiple Occupancy/ Multiple Use Buildings. There was no other business declared.

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