
Grouse Moor Management Group: report

Report to the Scottish Government from the independent Grouse Moor Management Group which looks at the environmental impact of grouse moor management practices and advises on the option of licensing grouse shooting businesses.

Annex 4: Glossary

Favourable conservation status

The statutory nature conservation agency, SNH, advises JNCC and the UK and Scottish governments on the condition assessments, based on ‘condition objectives’ set for individual species and sites (SPAs, SSSIs), and EC Birds Directive Article 12 and EC Habitat Article 17 assessments. On collating returns from a variety of sources, the conservation status of the species being considered can be reported as:

  • Good: Favourable
  • Unknown
  • Poor: Unfavourable-inadequate
  • Bad: Unfavourable-bad
  • Not applicable/not reported

with the category ‘inadequate’ referring to the available data.

In the present context, emphasis will be placed specifically on the local conservation status of raptors (especially, Golden Eagles, Peregrines and Hen Harriers) on and around grouse moors.

SNH reports to and advises the JNCC and the UK and Scottish governments on the conservation assessment of raptors in Scotland. The assessments are drawn from a variety of sources including the BBS (BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey – the main scheme for monitoring the population changes of the UK’s common and widespread breeding birds, producing population trends for 117 bird and nine mammal species), the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme (SRMS, chaired by SNH, of which JNCC is also a member), the Rare Breeding Birds Breeding Panel, and national surveys organised under SCARABBS (Statutory Conservation Agency and RSPB Annual Breeding Bird Scheme).



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