
Grouse Moor Management Group: report

Report to the Scottish Government from the independent Grouse Moor Management Group which looks at the environmental impact of grouse moor management practices and advises on the option of licensing grouse shooting businesses.

Annex 1: List of published sources

Background, Terms of Reference and Context

Brooker, R., Thomson, S., Matthews, K., Hester, A., Newey, S., Pakeman, R., Miller, D., Mell, V., Aalders, I., McMorran, R. & Glass, J. (2018). Socioeconomic and biodiversity impacts of driven grouse moors in Scotland: Summary Report. Scottish Government.

Elliot, A., Watt, J., Cooke, I. & Tabor, P. (2014). The land of Scotland and the common good. Report of the Land Reform Review Group presented to Scottish Ministers.

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McMorran, R. (2009). Red grouse and the Tomintoul and Strathdon communities – The benefits and impacts of the grouse shooting industry from the rural community perspective; a case study of Strathdon and Tomintoul communities in the Cairngorm National Park. The Scottish Countryside Alliance Educational Trust, Commissioned report.

Mustin, K., Newey, S. & Slee, B. (2017). Towards the construction of a typology of management models of shooting opportunities in Scotland. Scottish Geographical Journal, 133(3-4), 214-232.

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Tingay, R. & Wightman, A. (2018). A case for reforming Scotland’s driven grouse moors. Revive coalition.

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Options for regulation

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Raptor persecution and predation

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Francksen, R.M., Whittingham, M.J., Ludwig, S.C., Roos, S. & Baines, D. (2017). Numerical and functional responses of Common Buzzard Buteo buteo on a Scottish grouse moor. Ibis, 159, 541-553

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Hayhow, D.B., Eaton, M.A., Bladwell, S., Etheridge, B., Ewing, S., Ruddock, M., Saunders, R., Sharpe, C., Sim, I.M.W. & Stevenson, A. (2013). The status of the Hen Harrier, Circus cyaneus, in the UK and Isle of Man in 2010. Bird Study, 60, 446-458.

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