
Growing up in Scotland: children's social, emotional and behavioural characteristics at entry to primary school

This report investigates the extent and nature of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties among Scottish school children around the age they enter primary one, and shows which children are most likely to have these difficulties.


First and foremost, the authors of the report would like to thank all the families who have given up their time to take part in the study and have supported it continuously sweep by sweep.

The Growing Up in Scotland study is very much a collaborative venture. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our colleagues in NatCen's operations and computing departments and to our team of interviewers and supervisors for conducting the interviews with such dedication and professionalism.

We would also like to thank everyone involved in the preparation of this report - particularly Wendy van Rijswijk and colleagues at the Scottish Government and
Phil Wilson at University of Glasgow, all of whom provided feedback on early drafts.

Responsibility for the opinions expressed in this report, and for all interpretation of the data, lies solely with the authors.

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