
Education of children unable to attend school due to ill health: guidance

Guidance for education authorities.

Annex C

Useful resources

Curriculum for Excellence , Education Scotland website.

Early Learning and Childcare Statutory Guidance , Scottish Government, 2014 (to be revised 2015)

Building the Ambition , national practice guidance on Early Learning and Childcare, Scottish Government, 2014

Supporting Learners: Children too ill to attend school: A conversation , 2014

Better Health, Better Care: Hospital services for young people in Scotland , Scottish Government, 2009.

Partnership working between Allied Health Professionals and Education , Scottish Government, 2010.

Supporting children's learning code of practice (revised edition) , 2010.

What to do after a death in Scotland - practical advice


Education (Scotland) Act 1980 (as amended)

Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000

Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 (as amended)

The Children and Young People Scotland Act 2014

Equality Act 2010

Useful organisations

Action for Sick Children Scotland
Action for Sick Children Scotland is dedicated to informing, promoting and campaigning on behalf of the needs of all sick children and young people within the healthcare system.

22 Laurie Street
Edinburgh EH6 7 AB
0131 553 6553

Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland

The Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland consider appeals (references) made by parents and young people against decisions of Education Authorities regarding the provision of educational support; references involving children and young people who either have, or are potentially entitled to have, a co-ordinated support plan.

Europa Building
450 Argyle Street
G2 8 LH
0845 120 2906

Children's Hospice Association Scotland ( CHAS)

The Children's Hospice Association Scotland welcome the opportunity to discuss educational provision for children and young people with life threatening and life shortening conditions. CHAS can be contacted through their Head Office at Canal Court, 42 Craiglockhart Avenue, Edinburgh, EH14 1 LT (Telephone - 0131 444 1900).

Children Missing from Education Scotland

The Children Missing from Education (Scotland) ( CME(S)) Service is available to provide guidance on all aspects of children missing from education, and to facilitate agreements between local authorities, national agencies and partners to allow the effective exchange of information to locate a missing child.

Clic Sargent

Clic Sargent provides advice and support to children and young people affected by cancer, their families and the professionals who work with them. For more information visit their website at .

Cruse Bereavement

Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland can provide personal support and information to those experiencing bereavement. Cruse Scotland has a national helpline:

0845 600 2227 which should be contacted in the first instance.

Education Scotland

Education Scotland works collaboratively and in partnership with other public bodies and local authorities to promote and supporting and build the capacity of education providers and practitioners to improve their own performance.


Enquire provides advice and support to families of children and young people who require some additional support to make the most of their learning.

Children in Scotland
Rosebery House
9 Haymarket Terrace
EH12 5EZ
0345 123 2303


Govan Law Centre Education Law Line

Govan Law Education Law Line will provide advice to parents, carers and professionals on points of education law.

Education Law Unit
Govan Law Centre
18-20 Orkney Street
G51 2 BZ

0141 445 1955

Email ,

The Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation website has a number of resources on supporting vulnerable young people. For more information visit .

National Parents Forum for Scotland

The National Parent Forum of Scotland gives Parent Councils and parents an opportunity to discuss and raise educational issues of mutual interest or concerns at a national level. The Forum works in partnership with national and local government and other organisations involved in education and well being issues to represent parents in pursuit of our aim to help every pupil maximise his/her potential. .

Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People

The role of the Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People is to help children and young people rights are respected. For more information please visit their website at .

Scottish Council for Independent Schools

61 Dublin Street
EH3 6 NL
0131 556 2316

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman handles complaints from members of the public who have suffered injustice or hardship as a result of maladministration or service failure.

4 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7 NS
0800 377 7330

Seasons for Growth

Seasons for Growth is an educational, peer support programme for children, young people or adults who have experienced significant change or loss. For more information about the programme and how to access it, please see the website or email .

Tymes Trust

Tymes (The Young ME Sufferers) Trust is a UK wide charity supporting the families of children and young people with ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis). The Tymes Trust website carries free publications and resources to support understanding of ME.The Tymes Trust also provides an advice line on 0845 003 9002

Winston's Wish

Winston's Wish is the leading childhood bereavement charity in the UK, offering practical support and guidance to bereaved children, their families and professionals.

08452 03 04 05 (open 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday and 7pm - 9.30pm on Wednesday)


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