
Effective community engagement in local development planning: guidance

Guidance to assist with engagement activities in the preparation of local development plans. It is part of measures introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 to put community voices at the heart of the planning system in Scotland.


Stage 9: Adopting the Local Development Plan

Timing: The planning authority cannot adopt the local development plan until 28 days have passed since they submitted the plan to the Scottish Ministers, or until an Examination report has been received following an Examination of the plan.

Engagement Level: Inform

The purpose of adopting the local development plan is to formally establish its legal status as part of the development plan, which is the basis for decisions on planning applications.

The planning authority is at this stage required to inform people that the local development plan has been adopted. Planning authorities may wish to notify their networks beyond the publication requirements. Community bodies may wish to inform their networks.

Publication Requirements

The planning authority will:

  • send two copies to the Scottish Ministers
  • publish the plan
  • place a copy in each public library in the plan area
  • notify those that have made a representation to the Proposed Plan or the Examination, stating that the plan can be seen in a public library and electronically including on the internet
  • place an advertisement in a local newspaper which states that the plan can be seen in a public library and electronically including on the internet
  • publish the Modification Report (where needed)
  • publish the Recommended Modifications Statement (where needed).


None beyond informing people that the local development plan has been adopted.

Stage 10: Delivery Programme

Timing: The proposed Delivery Programme should accompany the Proposed Plan. The adopted Delivery Programme should be published within 3 months of adopting the local development plan and every two years after that.

Engagement Level: Inform/Consult/Collaborate

The Delivery Programme aims to support delivery of the plan including showing how sites and proposals in the plan will be delivered. It is vital in achieving an outcomes-focussed approach. In preparing the Delivery Programme, planning authorities should collaborate with anyone named in it and those responsible for delivering it, including key agencies. The planning authority must consult on a published proposed Delivery Programme alongside the Proposed Plan. Key agencies have a duty to cooperate with the planning authority in the preparation of the Delivery Programme.

Publication requirements

The proposed Delivery Programme is required to be published alongside the Proposed Plan, as a minimum through a notice in a local newspaper and on the internet. In addition, planning authorities have to make a copy available in their office, in each public library in the plan areas, and on the internet.

Once finalised, two copies of the adopted Delivery Programme are to be sent to the Scottish Ministers, and a copy must be made available in each public library in the local development plan area.


Publishing of the Delivery Programme and making copies available will inform people about the delivery of the plan.



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