
Engaging communities in decisions relating to land: guidance

This document provides guidance on the benefits of, and ways of going about, engaging with communities about decisions relating to land.


Scottish Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement ( SLRRS)
The Scottish Government

The SLRRS is a statement of land rights and responsibilities in Scotland. Its preparation and publication by Scottish Ministers was a requirement of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016, and the principles within the SLRRS underpin the Scottish Government’s vision for land reform. Principle 6 of the SLRRS states: “There should be greater collaboration and community engagement in decisions about land”. Reading the SLRRS can help to clarify the purpose of the guidance on engaging communities about decisions relating to land.

National Standards for Community Engagement
Scottish Community Development Centre

The National Standards for Community Engagement are good practice principles designed to support and inform the process of community engagement, and improve what happens as a result.

Place Standard
Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland and Architecture & Design Scotland
The Place Standard provides a framework to assess the quality of a place, and is designed to support communities, public, private and third sectors to work efficiently together.

Talking about our place
Scottish Natural Heritage

This toolkit provides a range of guidance and practical tools on how to talk about your place, celebrate it, and consider ways to improve it.

A toolbox for public engagement in forest and woodland planning
The Forestry Commission

This toolbox aims to assist forest and woodland managers when preparing for public engagement.

Involving your community
Development Trusts Association Scotland

This practical guide describes techniques for involving and consulting local communities in community asset based projects.

Working together for sustainable estate communities
University of the Highlands and Islands

This document explores the potential of collaborative initiatives between privately-owned rural estates, rural communities and other partners in upland Scotland.

Equality and Human Rights Commission
The Commission can advise on removing barriers to engagement for protected groups (women, disabled people, minority ethnic groups, children and older people).

Scottish Rural Action
Scottish Rural Action ( SRA) is the non-profit body which organises the Scottish Rural Parliament. Its website includes an online forum for communities to connect and share views and ideas. SRA takes forward priorities voted on at the Rural Parliament and advocates on behalf of rural communities on a wide range of issues.


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