Funeral costs guidance: consultation response

Response to the consultation of Scottish Government guidance on funeral costs.

Annex A

Answers to closed questions

Question Yes No Don't Know No response
Do you think that the Scottish Government should publish a glossary of terms alongside the guidance on funeral costs? 72% 10% 10% 8%
Do you think that the guidance should include measures which encourage private cemeteries and crematoriums and funeral directors with a website to display their pricing information online? 92% 2% - 6%
Do you think that the standard cremation service definition proposed in the draft guidance captures all of the necessary elements? 45% 31% 18% 6%
Do you think that the simple funeral service definition set out in the draft guidance captures all of the necessary elements? 49% 41% 6% 4%
Do you think that the guidance for funeral directors should include a measure suggesting that funeral directors should describe their processes for care of the deceased to help consumers understand costs associated with this? 80% 10% 2% 8%
Do you think the guidance should include a provision encouraging burial and cremation authorities to make reasonable efforts to accommodate the wishes of a person that does not want to use a funeral director? 86% 10% - 4%
Do you think these measures [that local authorities should consult the public when developing charging proposals and explain the reasons for any proposed changes to charges] will help improve the transparency of, and public engagement with, the local authority charge setting process? 68% 12% 14% 6%
Do you think that this [that local authorities should publish information from their Local Financial Returns annually on their websites, showing income generated and expenditure incurred through the provision of burial and cremation services] would help increase public understanding of the costs associated with local authorities' provision of these services? 63% 14% 19% 4%
Do you think the guidance should encourage local authorities to link burial and cremation charge setting to broader strategies and duties aimed at reducing poverty? 63% 17% 14% 6%
Do you think that local authorities should be encouraged to take actions to support individuals who are struggling with the costs of a funeral? 82% 10% 6% 2%



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