Health and Social Care Integration Partnerships: reporting guidance

This guidance has been updated and is at:

2 Who is this Guidance for?

2.1 This guidance is primarily intended for those within Partnerships who will be responsible for the production of Partnerships' Performance reports. It will also be of interest to:

  • Integration Joint Board Chief Officers
  • Planning and Performance Leads
  • Strategic Commissioning Leads
  • Locality Managers/Leads
  • Finance Officers ('Section 95 Officer)
  • Participation and Engagement Officers, and
  • Members of Integration Joint Boards

It may also be of interest to a wider range of staff working in Health and Social care, members of the public and other interested commentators.

2.2 By virtue of section 53 of the 2014 Act, a Partnership is required to have regard to this guidance when preparing a performance report.



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