
Homeless Persons (Unsuitable Accommodation) (Scotland) Order: guidance

Guidance on the Unsuitable Accommodation Order.

Annex F - Example of a Local Authority Occupancy Agreement

Occupancy Agreement

Room Occupancy Agreement

Name of Tenant: xxxxxxxxx

Address of Accommodation: Room B, 38 Windsor Place Conon IV7 8BX

Name of Landlord: The Highland Council

Landlords Address: Portakabin, High Street, Dingwall, IV15 9TF

The Highland Council confirms that temporary accommodation has been provided for you at Room B, 38 Windsor Place Conon IV7 8BX from Monday 23rd December 2019 on a week by week basis.

The cost of your accommodation per week is £43.60

Weekly Service Charge is £57.20

This is inclusive of gas and / or electric, Council Tax and TV licence.

Total charge per week will be £101.01

The accommodation is offered to you on the following basis:

  • You are responsible for paying the rent for this accommodation to the Council.
  • You may be able to claim Housing Benefit to help pay the rent – ask your housing officer or support worker on how to claim. We will be happy to help with this.
  • Rent or sundry debt can be paid in the following ways:
  • 24/7 by telephone – Tenants can pay rent at a time which suits them (evenings early mornings, weekends and holidays) using the 01349 886605 number (the former 0845 602 4232 number now links to this) by using a debit or credit card.
  • 24/7 using their smart phone or other device linked to the internet – by making a payment over the internet at by debit or credit card – tenants can do this using a smart phone, I-pad or laptop/PC. Setting up an account the first time makes this a quick and easy method of payment.
  • Tenants can also set up regular payments using their own On-line Banking facility using their payment reference number and Sort Code 82 70 13 and Bank Account number 10000652.
  • At a Highland Council Service Point (using printed bar code) using a debit or credit card only (cash not accepted)
  • At most post offices or any outlet displaying the Paypoint or Payzone signs; (using the plastic swipe card or printed bar code) by cash, cheque debit or credit card – some individual retailers many not accept cheques.
  • By bank standing order
  • By direct debit
  • By deduction from salaries or wages if the tenant is a Highland Council employee.
  • If you get into difficulty paying your rent or the amenity charges, please contact your Housing Options Officer or Support Worker right away – they are there to help. Their name and contact number is at the end of this form.
  • If you want to know if you are claiming all the benefits you are due, or you are worried about debt, you can contact our Money Advice Service or Income Maximisation Service on 0800 090 1004. You could also contact your local Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) - please contact your Housing Options Officer or Support Worker for the CAB contact details.
  • You will be required to pay your rent by Friday each week.
  • Once every three months we will send you a statement of your rent account. This will show the date that all rent charges were made to your account, and the dates of any payments made either by yourself or through Universal Credit.
  • There is no Council Tax liability to you as the occupant.
  • If you do not pay for this accommodation you risk being asked to leave it – no alternative accommodation will be offered and we will bill you for the amount owed.

What to expect from your landlord:

  • The Highland Council will be responsible for collecting rent and the day to day management within the accommodation;
  • You will not be required to share a bedroom with anyone who is not part of your household;
  • Before you move in, the landlord will provide you with a list of all the items and furnishings in the room and will agree this with you prior to you signing the list;
  • The landlord will be responsible for maintaining the property, inside and outside, in a good state of repair. The landlord will ensure that all the furniture and furnishings in your accommodation will be in good order and fit for purpose and will take care of any repairs to furniture and furnishings which are due to normal wear and tear;
  • The landlord must make sure all the correct gas and electric supply, appliance checks and any other legally required safety checks are carried out and that any remedial action identified by current safety legislation is carried out;
  • The landlord will have a process in place to allow you to report repairs. This will be explained to you before you move into the property. This will include a process for reporting emergency repairs;
  • The landlord will be bound by the rules of confidentiality regarding your circumstances (Data Protection Act).
  • The landlord will have a complaints procedure which they will explain to you;

What we expect from you:

  • You must respect the right of other tenants to have peaceful enjoyment of their accommodation. You also have the right to live safely and peacefully without being bothered or troubled by other people. If you experience problems caused by others please contact your landlord;
  • You must not cause any nuisance or annoyance to other people;
  • You must let the Council know if you will be staying away from the room on any night. We may end your room if we do not know where you are;
  • The use and/or possession of any illegal substances will result in loss of the accommodation;
  • Disruptive and/or anti-social behaviour, caused by alcohol, or otherwise, may result in the loss of the accommodation;
  • You are not permitted to take your pet to the accommodation. Your Housing Options Officer or Support Worker will advise you on what to do if you have a pet;
  • You are also responsible for keeping your room tidy and putting out any household rubbish for collection and using the proper containers e.g. individual wheelie bins, recycling boxes or communal bins at the property;
  • You should not use any electrical appliances that are in an unsafe condition or for any other purpose other than that for which they were designed;
  • You are required to take good care of the property, furniture and furnishings, failure to do so will result in recharges against you being raised and you may be asked to leave the property;
  • You must not use possessions or foodstuffs belonging to other residents in the property without their permission;
  • You are advised to have your personal belongings insured;
  • Any anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated. You will lose your accommodation and will not be able to access any further temporary accommodation.

If you fail to observe the above conditions, your accommodation may be terminated by The Highland Council.

The Highland Council will pursue any arrears of rent and service charges and failure to pay these may lead to you being asked to leave the accommodation.

I understand the above terms:



Signed on behalf of the Council


Your Housing Options Officer is...

Contact No:

Your Support Worker is

Contact No:



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