LGBT inclusive education: guidance

Guidance to education authorities and schools on the national approach to LGBT inclusive education.


The recommendations from the LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group enable the teaching of LGBT matters across the curriculum within the principles of Curriculum for Excellence. They shape the national approach to LGBT inclusive education and support schools to develop respectful and tolerant learners. Within these recommendations is a commitment to:

“develop National Guidance which clearly states expectations regarding LGBT Inclusive Education and signposts teachers in any school in Scotland towards supporting resources” – Recommendation 7.

The following guidance note is for all local authority-run schools in Scotland and sets out national expectations regarding the implementation of LGBT inclusive education. This guidance replaces the previous guidance issued jointly by the Scottish Government and COSLA in May 2019[1].

Additional information, professional learning, and resources to support this guidance note can be accessed on the national platform for LGBT inclusive education:



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