LGBT inclusive education: guidance

Guidance to education authorities and schools on the national approach to LGBT inclusive education.

Evaluation of LGBT Inclusive Education

The implementation of LGBT inclusive education is evaluated nationally as part of an ongoing process. The evaluation reports, showing positive indicators of the effectiveness of the national approach, can be viewed here.

HM Inspectors will continue to evaluate the extent to which practice in promoting equality and diversity leads to positive outcomes for all children, young people and adult learners. This includes in the context of LGBT inclusive education within Scottish schools. This may be carried out as part of a standard inspection or as a thematic inspection.

As with all other areas of learning and teaching, ongoing curriculum review should regularly take place in schools to ensure learning and teaching remains meaningful, relevant and impactful. Schools can evaluate their implementation of LGBT inclusive education and its continuing impact through the processes through the self evaluation framework and in developing School Improvement Plans. To consider initial implementation of LGBT inclusive education complete, schools should be able to refer to where the seven LGBT Inclusive Education Learning Themes are present throughout their school curriculum.



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