
Guidance for Local Partners in the New Model for Community Justice

Following publication of the revised National Strategy for Community Justice in 2022, this guidance is out of date. The statutory guidance contained within it has been replaced with revised guidance.

3. What will this guidance do?

3.1 This guidance specifies who the statutory partners are and outlines their roles in relation to the new model for community justice. It will provide support and advice to the statutory partners in the development of their community justice outcomes improvement plan ("the plan") for the local authority area as required by the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 ("the Act") as well as to wider community justice partners and stakeholders. Chapter 6 of this guidance is statutory.

3.2 The guidance also outlines the requirements for a publication of a Participation Statement as part of the plan approach. It can be published as part of the plan or separate to the plan. The Participation Statement will allow the statutory partners to identify how they have consulted and engaged with the third sector involved in community justice and relevant local community bodies in the preparation of the plan. Third sector bodies for the purposes of the Act are defined in section 14 of the Act.

3.3 It also outlines the key features of the Outcomes Performance and Improvement Framework for Community Justice and the National Strategy for Community Justice which should be taken into account by the statutory partners as they work collaboratively to achieve improved community justice outcomes locally. The plan should also refer to the relevant Local Outcomes Improvement Plan as required under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, part 2 Community Planning.

3.4 A model plan template is included in Appendix F which may be of use to the statutory partners in preparing the plan. It contains details on the timelines for the preparation, publication and submission of plans to Community Justice Scotland. It also outlines the process for the annual review of the plans.

3.5 It highlights the need to ensure transparency in the planning and decision-making process by partners. It outlines when a new plan may be required.

3.6 This guidance reinforces the statutory partners' joint responsibility for the preparation, implementation and review of the plan.


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