
Planning and delivering integrated health and social care: guidance

Guidance on the planning and delivery principles which describe how integrated care should be planned and delivered and how the principles will work in tandem with the National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes.

7. Takes account of the participation by service-users in the community in which service-users live

For many people, taking part in their community and having strong social connections helps them to stay well. People who use health and social care services are not simply recipients of care and support. Most are, or would like to be, active citizens who contribute to their communities and engage in their own networks, interests and activities. Many people who use services also provide health and social care support to family and friends, for example through unpaid caring or peer support.

Some people will need health and social care support to enable them to participate or to become involved in social or community life. For many people the outcomes they hope to achieve will ultimately be about being able to participate. This might influence the choices they make about the type of support they access.

Services should support people’s participation, especially where they face barriers, and help increase it if that is what the person wants. There may be situations in which people’s contact with services makes that more difficult, for example where a homecare service does not offer flexibility in when they visit, potentially inhibiting a person’s social interaction. Organisations providing care and support need to work with people to make sure they are able to maintain their social connections and supports.

Active support and opportunities for people to participate in health and social care services will also help build the skills and confidence needed to enjoy their full citizenship rights as equal members of their community.


Email: Frances Conlan

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