
District heating: guidance on project level socio-economic assessment

Draft methodology and guidance on how to appraise the socioeconomic impacts of district heating projects appropriately, through the implementation of Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA).




3. Atkinson, G. and S. Mourato (2015), "Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Environment", OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 97, OECD Publishing, Paris

4. Department of Transport, Transport analysis guidance: WebTAG, updated December 2017. UK

5. European Commission, Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects, 2017. EU

6. The Cost Database is available from the Scottish Government website

7. World Health Organisation, Guidelines for conducting cost-benefit analysis of household energy and health interventions, 2006

8. Interventions being appraised over time periods of greater than 30 years require a different discounting approach and value. A discount rate of 3% should be adopted for interventions that cover 31-75 years (HM Treasury's Green Book, 2018).

9. World Health Organisation, Guidelines for conducting cost-benefit analysis of household energy and health interventions, 2006

10. BEIS, Heat Network Detailed Project Development Resource: Guidance on Economic and Financial Case – Development of the Financial Model, Heat Pricing and Maximising Opportunities, 2016. UK

11. /policies/building-standards/monitoring-improving-building-regulations/

12. /policies/home-energy-and-fuel-poverty/energy-efficiency-in-social-housing/


14. HM Treasury, The Green Book: appraisal and evaluation in central government, updated March 2018. UK


Email: Heat and Energy Efficiency Unit

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