Equipment and adaptations: guidance on provision - executive summary

Guidance outlining the responsibilities of NHS Scotland, Local Authorities, Integration Authorities, and their Housing and Education partners for the provision of equipment and adaptations, with the aim of supporting partnerships, across Scotland, to deliver a more equitable and accessible service.


In March 2021 Scottish Government issued new Guidance on the provision of Wheelchairs for short-term loan. This was developed in response to national work involving the Red Cross, which highlighted inconsistency and gaps in the provision of basic wheelchairs for temporary, short-term loan.

Key Actions

  • Integration Authorities must adhere to the recommendations within the Scottish Government Guidance on the provision of Wheelchairs for short-term loan, and have suitable arrangements in place to meet any eligible needs for a wheelchair on short-term loan, for up to a maximum of 6 months, to ensure no gaps in service provision.
  • These arrangements must also be monitored, and reported within the Integration Authority.



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