Funded early learning and childcare 2025-2026: guidance for setting sustainable rates
Updated guidance to support local authorities to set sustainable rates in 2025-26 for the delivery of funded early learning and childcare (ELC). The guidance sets out a consistent and transparent approach for passing the additional £9.7 million funding for the real Living Wage uplift to providers.
Section 9: Monitoring delivery
89. The Scottish Government is committed to collecting and publishing data on sustainable rates annually. The reports are available on the Scottish Government website. On occasion, as part the sustainable rates data collection reports, information will also be collected and published on the general support packages made available by local authorities to funded providers.
90. As part of their role in delivering the Funding Follows the Child approach, local authorities are responsible for assessing and monitoring compliance with the National Standard in all funded providers, including local authority settings, as part of their contract management arrangements and in their role as guarantors of quality. Further information on this role is set out in Section 3 of the Funding Follows the Child (FFtC) Operating Guidance.
91. This includes monitoring payment of the real Living Wage pay commitment by private and third sector providers delivering funded ELC. The Scottish Government is continuing to work with colleagues across the sector to consider and implement a proportionate means of undertaking this monitoring.
92. As set out in the Funding Follows the Child Operating Guidance, whilst it is for local authorities to decide how to fulfil their responsibility to assess and monitor compliance with the National Standard, it is important that the process is transparent and proportionate. It is also important that local authorities – as part of the commitment to simplify the process for, and reduce the burden on, providers to deliver the funded entitlement – share practice in order to encourage consistency of approach.
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