
LHEES: guidance on strategy level socio-economic assessments

Draft methodology and guidance on how to appraise the socio-economic impacts of Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES), through the implementation of Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA).



2. Mateo J.R.S.C. (2012) Multi-Criteria Analysis. In: Multi Criteria Analysis in the Renewable Energy Industry. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, London

3. Department for Communities and Local Government, Multi-criteria analysis: a manual, 2009. UK

4. Interventions being appraised over time periods of greater than 30 years require a different discounting approach and value. A discount rate of 3% should be adopted for interventions that cover 31-75 years (HM Treasury’s Green Book, 2018).


Email: Heat and Energy Efficiency Unit

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