
Farm Diversification and Planning Permission in Scotland: guidance

Guidance on farm diversification and planning permission.

A Guide to Farm Diversification and Planning Permission in Scotland

Where Can I Find More Information?

Scottish Executive

You can write to us about planning matters at Planning Division, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ.

For help over the telephone about planning in Scotland, call 0345 741 741 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and ask for the planning helpline. Your call will be charged at the local rate.

Our planning website gives details of planning legislation, National Planning Policy Guidelines (including NPPG 15Rural Development), Planning Advice Notes, and information on performance and good practice by planning authorities.

For information about appeals, please contact our Inquiry Reporters Unit: SEIRU, 2 Greenside Lane, Edinburgh, EH1 3AG. Telephone 0131 244 5649.

Information on new SEERAD schemes can be obtained from the Department's HQ in Edinburgh. You can telephone 0131 244 6171, or write to SEERAD, Room 257, Pentland House, 47 Robbs Loan, Edinburgh, EH14 1TY.

Local Enterprise Company

Your local enterprise company will be able to give you advice on developing your business package. Their telephone numbers are in the Phone Book, alternatively you can contact:

Scottish Enterprise
5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU. Telephone 0141 248 2700.

Highlands & Islands Enterprise
Cowan House, Inverness Retail and Business Park, Inverness, IV2 7GF. Telephone 01463 234 171.

Scottish Agricultural College
Can give advice on agriculture, rural development and conservation. For your nearest SAC office (see local Phone Book) or telephone 0131 535 4192.

FWAG Scotland
The Rural Centre, Ingliston, Midlothian, EH28 8NZ. Telephone 0131 472 4080.

Historic Scotland
Can give advice on listed buildings and ancient monuments. Historic Scotland, Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh, EH9 1SH. Telephone 0131 668 8777.

Scottish Natural Heritage
Can give information on the natural heritage and grants for interpretation: SNH, 12 Hope Terrace, Edinburgh, EH9 2AS. Telephone 0131 447 4784.

Planning Aid for Scotland
A charity offering advice and support on planning for individuals and groups: PAS, Bonnington Mill, 72 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh, EH6 5QG. Telephone 0131 555 1565.

Royal Town Planning Institute in Scotland
The professional organisation of town planners: RTPI, 57 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7HL.Telephone 0131 226 1959.

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in Scotland
Can suggest appropriate chartered surveyors: 9 Manor Place, Edinburgh, EH3 7DN. Telephone 0131 225 7078.

Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
Can suggest appropriate architects: 15 Rutland Square, Edinburgh, EH1 2BE. Telephone 0131 229 7545.


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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