
Farm Diversification and Planning Permission in Scotland: guidance

Guidance on farm diversification and planning permission.

A Guide to Farm Diversification and Planning Permission in Scotland

Annex - Other Consents

Building Control

Any alteration to a building or change of use of a farm building to another purpose will need a building warrant. Advice is available from your local council's building control office.

You should complete and return to your local council an application for a certificate of completion, together with a certificate of compliance for the electrical installation where appropriate when the warrant work is complete. Some grants available to farmers for diversification projects will only be paid once these certificates have been obtained.

Road Consent

Road construction consent is needed for the construction of a new road, extension of an existing road or alteration to your access. Your local roads authority can advise you when road construction consent is needed.


Your planning authority will advise you whether an application for advertisement consent is needed or not. It is usually illegal to display any advertisement on a road and in some cases on land adjoining the road without the consent of the roads authority.

Scheduled monument consent

Any works that affect a scheduled monument will need scheduled monument consent. If you propose to carry out works to or near a scheduled monument you must contact Historic Scotland.

Listed Building consent

If you propose to demolish or alter a listed building you must first obtain listed building consent. Applications for consent must be made to your planning authority.

Caravan sites

Land cannot be used as a caravan site without a site licence. Your local council can issue a site licence. The council can advise you of the limited circumstances where a site licence is not required.


If you propose to discharge substances into the air, land or water or affect the drainage of land in your area you may need a licence from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

Health and Safety

If you will be handling food in a farm shop, restaurant or processing operation you should contact the environmental health service of your council. There are also safety requirements that must be kept if large numbers of people are likely to visit your farm. Advice is available from the Health and Safety Executive.

Public Utilities

The adequacy of public electricity, water and sewage supplies must be checked with the appropriate organisation if you intend to connect to them. If you intend to use local arrangements such as springs and wells or septic tanks and soak-aways you will need to satisfy the requirements of your council's building control service and possibly SEPA.


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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