
A Guide to Self-help Resources for Depression and Anxiety: A Practitioners' Resource: Doing Well by People with Depression

An interactive guide on self-help resources for depression and other common mental health issues for use by practitioners

Self-Help Resources Workgroup

This guide was developed by the 'Doing Well' Self-Help Resources Workgroup consisting of nominees from each of the 10 pilot sites. In alphabetical order:

Lynn Ackland

NHS Argyll & Clyde

Pamela Barnett

NHS Borders

Frances Baty

NHS Fife

Gillian Brennan

NHS Lanarkshire

Margaret Carey

NHS Fife

Karen Hamilton

NHS Highland

Mike Henderson

NHS Borders

Louise Jackson

NHS Argyll & Clyde

Ann McCreath

NHS Greater Glasgow

Stephen McGinness

NHS Argyll & Clyde

Lyndsey McNair

NHS Aryshire & Arran

Neil Millar

NHS Lothian

Pamela Mills

NHS Borders

Theresa O'Brien

NHS Greater Glasgow

Liz Rafferty

NHS Greater Glasgow

John Tonner

NHS Grampian

Dianne Tullis

Scottish Executive Health Department

Sylvia Verrecchia

NHS Lanarkshire

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