
A Guide to Self-help Resources for Depression and Anxiety: A Practitioners' Resource: Doing Well by People with Depression

An interactive guide on self-help resources for depression and other common mental health issues for use by practitioners

Appendix A - Criteria for Inclusion





Ideally a Flesch Score between 60 & 70 ( see Appendix B)

Material may not be appropriate for individuals with limited education or literacy problems. Other formats such as audio tape or DVD may be offered.

Potential for harm

Does not advise actions that are acknowledged to be harmful (evidence based) or omits recommended action

Uses positive and accessible language

Should not have potential to 'scare' user

e.g. Material should not give the impression that everyone who experiences depression commits suicide. Instead, it should clearly recognise that most people who suffer from the condition recover

Acknowledges alternatives

Not rigid in recommendations


Items/references that are made have to be current. Users need to be able to access recommended items at no significant cost

Regular checks will be required to ensure that material is current and available

Reduce use jargon

Includes glossary

Avoids the use of technical and complex language that constantly has to be defined

Cost of production/distribution

There is a need to state any costs involved in access

e.g. licence cost

Links to other information

Links need to be up-to-date and relevant

Websites must be kept up to date

Evidence for use

Evidence is apparent, up-to-date and stated

Usually materials based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy self-help

Cultural differences ( See Appendix C)

Takes account of culture of target audience

e.g. avoids being too culture specific - needs to be appropriate for a broad British audience


Material will be favoured if it includes relevant stories

Case examples can really engage people


Comments section is included where appropriate

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