
A Guide to the Use of Mediation in the Planning System in Scotland

A guide help those involved in the planning system in Scotland understand how mediation can be used to enhance the planning process.

Appendix B: Selected Reading

Biberbach, Petra - Rules of Engagement - The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, June 2008
Brand, Martha - Consensus Building and "Smart Growth" - Conflict Resolution Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 2, Winter 2003
Brooke, Lord Justice - Mediation and Planning: The Role of Mediation in Planning and Environmental Disputes - based upon the Peter Boydell Memorial Lecture - 2008 Journal of Planning Law 1390.
Cowan, Robert - Mediation Bridges the Communications Gap - RTPI News in Planning - issue 1378, 21 July 2000.
DLTR - Mediation in the Planning System - DLTR, May 2000
E. Franklin Dukes - What we know about Environmental Conflict Resolution: An Analysis based on research - Conflict Resolution Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 1-2, Fall - Winter 2004, p.191, followed by Commentary p.221.
Grossman, Andy - Mediation Demonstrates its Power in Planning Disputes - CEDR, May 2000.
Hague and Higgins - International Experience of Mediation in Development Planning - (2004) 101 Scottish Planning and Environmental Law 6.
Lloyd, Greg and Peel, Deborah - A Fundamental Shift - Planning, March 2007.
Lloyd, Greg and Peel, Deborah - Mediating Mediation in Land Use Planning - (2003) 99 Scottish Planning and Environmental Law 102.
Lloyd, Greg and Peel, Deborah - Scoping Study of the Potential for a Pilot Project on Mediation Within a Local Plan Framework in Scotland
Lyall, Pamela - Mediation in Planning: A Mediator's View - (2004) Scottish Planning and Environmental Law 30.
Parmiter, John and Phillips, Jeremy - Finding Common Ground - Planning, March 2008
Planning Special Report, Holyrood Magazine, September 2008
ODPM - Further Research into Mediation in the Planning System - ODPM, November 2002
Scottish Government (2008) - Evaluation of the impact of the National Standards for Community Engagement two years after publication - July
Shanmuganathan, D - Two Birds, One Stone: A Solution for Planning and Environmental Disputes? - Journal of Planning Law, Jan 2006.
Watchman, John - Mediation in the Planning System - (2002) 89 Scottish Planning and Environmental Law.

Guidance brochures:
Neighbourhood and Community Disputes - Community Legal Service Direct.

Legislation, White Papers and Policy:
Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006
Modernising the Planning System (White Paper) 2005
PAN 81: Community Engagement - Planning with People

Cooley, John (2005) - Creative Problem Solver's Handbook for Negotiators and Mediators - American Bar Association (
Crawley, J. & Graham, K. (2002) - Mediation for Managers - Nicholas Brealey Publishing
Fisher, R and Sharp, A (1999) - Lateral Leadership: Getting Things Done When You Are Not The Boss - Harper Collins Business
Fisher, R and Ury, W (1991) - Getting to Yes - Penguin (2 nd Edition)
Fisher, R and Brown, S (1988) - Getting Together: Building Relationships as We Negotiate - Penguin
Mackie, Karl J; Miles, David; Marsh, William; Allen, Tony (2007) - Commercial Dispute Resolution - The ADR Practice Guide - Butterworths (3rd Edition)
Malcolm, Ewan & O'Donnell, Fiona (Editors) (2009) - A Guide to Mediating in Scotland - Dundee University Press
Nesic, M and Boulle, L (2000) - Mediation: Principles Process Practice - Butterworths
Picker, Bennett G (2003) - Mediation Practice Guide - American Bar Association (2 nd edition)
Richbell, David (2008) - Mediation of Construction Disputes - Blackwell Publishing
Sidaway, Roger (2005) - Resolving Environmental Disputes - from Conflict to Consensus - Earthscan
Stitt, Alan (2004) - Mediation: A Practical Guide - Cavendish
Stone, Patton and Heen (2000) - Difficult Conversations - Penguin
Ury, William (1999) - The Third Side: Why We Fight and How We Can Stop - Penguin
Ury, William (2007) - The Power of a Positive No - Hodder & Stoughton

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