
Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland - A Comprehensive Analysis of the 2011 Census

This report brings together analysis previously published to provide a comprehensive and wide ranging evidence base on Scotland’s Gypsy/Travellers. It presents analysis of key areas such as health, education, housing, transport and economic indicators to reveal important information on the lives and life chances of Gypsy/Travellers.

Structure of this Report

This report provides a strong evidence base on Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland. In 2011, a ‘White: Gypsy/Traveller’ response category was added to the ethnic group question on the census form, so much of this data and analysis is available for the first time, providing a sound baseline to measure future progress against.

The following analysis includes Gypsy/Travellers who were resident both on sites or in settled housing on Census day, 27 March 2011. This report describes the information collected and compares the results and characteristics of Gypsy/Travellers to the Scottish population as a whole.

To set the context, the report starts by presenting the size of the group along with its age profile and other demographic information. It then discusses statistics on identity and religion, and examines how the group’s language skills compare to the rest of the population. The Household chapter reveals some interesting findings on how the make-up of Gypsy/Traveller families differs from others in the population. And finally, analysis of key areas such as health, education, housing, transport and economic indicators reveal important information on the lives and life chances of Gypsy/Travellers.

This information can be used to inform policy making aimed at improving the lives of Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland, and future data can be compared to this baseline to show change and progress over time.


Email: Mhairi Wallace

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