
HARP Information Bulletin 23: March 2017

Progress made in the Housing and Regeneration Programmes (HARP) project.

HARP Progress

It's been a while since our last newsletter in October but in that time we have been busy testing and finalising standard reports, refining data migration mapping from our existing IT system (TRS) and ensuring the HARP system is able to cope with our business processes. The good news is that the development phase of the system has now concluded and we are on track to deliver against our objectives and anticipated business benefits for HARP by:

  • developing a single, comprehensive system which is modern, flexible and secure and allows processes to be as streamlined as possible.
  • ensuring project information validated at the point of input;
  • allowing clear data flows through the system;
  • providing a transparent, strategic audit trail;
  • and having a common reference point for all partner organisations to individually engage with Scottish Government More Homes and Regeneration staff

Following conclusion of this development phase we are now entering what we are referring to as the "Business Transition" phase.

Business Transition Phase

Scottish Government housing and regeneration staff and our partner organisations will now undertake system familiarisation together before we actually "Go-Live" with HARP. To do this we plan to have a phase where development work is complete, but there is time for future users to test drive both the HARP system and the training material and to refine their business processes. This will put us in the best place possible when we do "Go-Live".

We will be arranging for two versions of HARP to be made available to stakeholders. One version will have a cut of migrated data from the current TRS system and will allow you to view your organisation's project information, historic and current, and use the standard reports to extract relevant data. The other version will only hold test data and will allow you to create "dummy" projects, payments, SHIPs, SLPAs and programme agreements. Both of these versions will allow system permissions settings to be tested and refined to ensure that users have the correct roles and that data flows properly both within and between organisations.

Timescales for "Go-Live"

A revised date for "Go-live" has not been formally agreed as yet but it will not be before May 2017, given the end of financial year workload pressures. We will be in email contact with stakeholders to refresh contact details and will also issue a more detailed plan to cover the business transition phase. Supporting this will be specific HARP guidance and training tools as well as updated Guidance Notes. This business transition window will allow users to gauge the usefulness of this support material and help us improve on it for "Go-Live".

Important Information

We would like to thank you for your forbearance and support through the development of HARP to date, whether through user testing or attendance at awareness sessions. We will continue to keep you updated through our newsletters and through your local contacts. We should be grateful if you would pass this information on to your colleagues who are involved in any work which involves submitting projects for grant approval and making payment claims and who will therefore be future HARP users.

Next Steps:

  • We will be in touch during the course of March and April to update contact details and issue training and support material.

  • We will advise you as soon as we have agreed a "Go-Live" date.

  • Look out for the request to update and return your organisations' staff contact details.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further queries about the HARP Project.

HARP newsletter March 2017.pdf


Kirsty Henderson – Project Manager Email: Telephone: 0141 242 5495

Sharon McGuire – Project Team member and Communication Officer Email: Telephone: 0141 242 5493

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