
Housing and Regeneration Programmes (HARP)

Information about Housing and Regeneration Programmes (HARP), a web-based system to store consistent and accurate information about our housing and regeneration programmes

Housing and Regeneration Programmes (HARP)

HARP is a web-based system to store consistent and accurate information about our housing and regeneration programmes. Training and help documents are available in the Help Documents area once logged into HARP.

Access to HARP is for grant applicants only. Any new organisation looking for access to the HARP system should contact their respective Housing or Regeneration contact within the Scottish Government for advice and further instructions.

If you already have access to HARP but are having issues with logging on please ask your organisation’s HARP System Administrator to assist you. Your System Administrator can do so using the help documents provided on HARP. If they are not able to assist you please contact your usual housing or regeneration contact. 

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