
HaskoningDHV's information supplied in the Ferguson Marine contract: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

Any information or reports supplied by HaskoningDHV to the Scottish Government as part of this contract:


On scrutiny of the wording of this request it is considered that the question refers only to the period after the contract commenced on 25 July. Before that date the tendering process, which has been subject to a separate FOI (FOI 202200323021), was on-going. Any other potentially relevant material that falls outside the timeframe of this response can be found in the response to FOI 202200323015, which requested “Any reports sent from or received by the Scottish Government on the topic of the work undertaken by HaskoningDHV in regards to Ferguson Marine between April 1, 2022 to date.” There is also relevant material in the response to the review of FOI 202200322042, which requested “Any internal or external correspondence sent from or received by the Scottish Government on the topic of the work undertaken by HaskoningDHV in regards to Ferguson Marine", as well as in FOI 202200323017, which requested “1) Any internal or external correspondence sent from or received by the Scottish Government on the topic of the work undertaken by HaskoningDHV in regards to Ferguson Marine between June 1 and July 31, 2022.”

Please note that any reports associated with this work are considered in their entirety to be commercially sensitive. The action to be taken in response to this FOI request therefore is not to release any reports, on the grounds it qualifies for exemption under section 33 (Commercial Interests and economy) of FOISA.

The exemption applies by protecting information about FMPG’s productivity from being released into the public domain since that would prejudice their ability to win future tenders on a level playing field with their competitors whose comparable information is not in the public domain (Section 33(1)(b)).

Some material has also been redacted due to Section 38(1) – Personal Information of FOISA, , Section 30(b)(i) - the free and frank provision of advice, and Section 30(b)(ii) – the free and frank exchange of views for the purpose of deliberation. In all instances above, I have applied the Public Interest Test in evaluating whether this material should be released.

Notwithstanding the above, some material has been released as a result of this FOI request. The material is attached.

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FOI - 202200327841 - information released


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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