Publication - Impact assessment
Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill: data protection impact assessment
DPIA for the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill.
Summary – Data Protection Impact Assessment
12 | Do you need to specify a Data Controller/s? | No. |
13 | Do you need to include information collection duties or powers (legal basis for processing)? | No. |
14 | Do you need to include explicit information sharing provisions (as related to duties, legal gateways, express powers):
No. |
15 | Have you included any safeguards for personal data/interference with Article 8 rights? | No. |
16 | Have you included any safeguards for personal data/interference with other rights? | No. |
17 | Will the collection of personal data affect decisions made about individuals, groups or categories of persons, or might provisions result in the denial of a right or rights? | No. |
18 | Please summarise the key elements to be included for Bill drafters; please highlight risks to personal data, any comments about mitigating those risks, including any costs or options for addressing those risks through legislation. This should be included in the Bill Instruction. There are no provisions in the Bill that impact on personal information. |
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