
Hate Crime Strategic Partnership Group minutes: June 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 21 June 2022.

Attendees and apologies

  • Age Scotland
  • Equality Network
  • Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
  • Interfaith Scotland
  • Police Scotland
  • Respectme
  • Youthlink Scotland
  • Glasgow Disability Alliance        
  • SHRC (Observer)
  • Scottish Government officials - Hate Crime Policy Team, Connected Communities Division


  • Christina McKelvie MSP, Minister for Equalities and Older People 
  • Education Scotland
  • Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland (EHRC)

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

The Chair welcomed members to the second meeting of the Hate Crime Strategic Partnership Group (SPG) and noted that the Minister for Equalities and Older People sends her apologies. Officials will inform the Minister of the discussion.

Minutes of the previous meeting and terms of reference

The Chair thanked members for comments on the minutes of the 28 April meeting and the terms of reference (ToR).  The group agreed the minutes and ToR.

Interfaith Scotland noted that it would be helpful to ensure engagement with ‘faith and belief’ interests, including the Humanist Society Scotland.

Lived experience engagement

The Chair noted the importance of ensuring those with lived experience of hate crime have the opportunity to help shape the new strategy. The group discussed the draft facilitation pack and agreed some minor amendments – specifically in regards to defining hate crime and how to support participants.

The Chair asked members to provide a short proposal, setting out their plans for engagement, by 14 July. Scottish Government officials are happy to discuss plans should that be helpful.

Hate Crime Awareness Week conference

BEMIS updated the group on their plans to host a conference during Hate Crime Awareness Week in October. The conference will aim to inform the new hate crime strategy by bringing members together to share findings from their lived experience engagement. The group agreed with this approach and members confirmed their support.

BEMIS will establish a conference steering committee which will meet in July, August, September and October to communicate key developments and collaborate on content.

COPFS presentation on: Hate crime in Scotland 2021-22 Official Statistics

COPFS presented on the key findings from the ‘Hate Crime in Scotland 2021-22 Official Statistics’ report, including trends in reporting over time and proceedings undertaken.

Police Scotland operational approach to hate crime and police-recorded data

Police Scotland provided an update on its operational response to hate crime in Scotland. PS explained that hate crime is a key strategic priority for the organisation and described their processes for responding to reports of hate crime. PS went on to present the latest police recorded hate crime data.

Police Scotland explained that following recommendations made within His Majesty’s Inspection of Constabulary Services (HMICS) report in 2021 on police handling of hate crime in Scotland, both strategic and tactical groups have been established to oversee an improvement plan.

Key priorities and outcomes

The Chair asked the group to consider the draft key priorities and outcomes shared in advance of the meeting. The Chair explained that these had been drafted following bi-lateral discussions with members and that this was a work-in-progress that would continue to be developed as we learn from further engagement.

Members agreed the broad themes of the paper with some discussion about how to further refine it.

Any other business 

A workshop will be held in September to further refine the key priorities and outcomes. Further official led meetings may also be held over the summer to discuss data and marketing campaigns.

Action log 

Action 1: Minutes of 28 April meeting and Terms of Reference to be published on Scottish Government website

Ownership: Scottish Government 

Status: Complete

Action 2:  Facilitation pack for lived experience engagement to be updated and re-circulated to the group.

Ownership: Scottish Government 

Status: Complete

Action 3:  SPG members to share outline of planned engagement activity by 14 July.

Ownership: all

Status: Complete

Action 4: Members interested in supporting/participating in the conference to contact BEMIS.

Ownership: all

Status: Complete

Action 5: Slides from COPFS presentation and note of Police Scotland presentation to be circulated to the group.

Ownership: Scottish Government 

Status: Complete

Action 6: SPG members to provide comments on the key priorities and outcomes

Ownership: Scottish Government 

Status: Complete

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