
Hate crime strategy: easy read version

An easy read version of Scotland's Hate Crime Strategy.

What is a hate crime?

A hate crime is when someone does something to hurt you because of who you are or who they think you are.

The criminal thinks you are different from them and hates you because of that difference.

A strategy is a big plan.

This strategy sets out how we plan to work to stop hate and prejudice in Scotland.

Prejudice is a negative attitude or opinion about a person because you think they belong to a certain group – for example acting negatively towards someone because they are a disabled person.

In Scotland the law recognises hate crime based on prejudice towards these groups:

  • disability
  • race - how we describe our background or ethnic group

People from an ethnic group might have the same language, culture or religion.

  • religion

A religion is a set of beliefs that some people have.

There are many different religions, each with a different set of beliefs.

  • sexual orientation – this means what kinds of people you love or have sexual or romantic feelings about
  • transgender identity

Transgender means you see yourself differently from what you were registered at birth (male or female).

In Scotland, hate crime law will be changing in 2024 to include age.

Hate crime can be spoken or written.

Hate crime can be physical.

Hate crime can take place anywhere – including online.



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