
Hate crime strategy

Sets out our key priorities for tackling hate crime and prejudice in Scotland. This strategy has been developed in partnership with our Hate Crime Strategic Partnership Group and the voices of those with lived experience.

10. How we will get there

To achieve our vision, we need to work together. No single agency or organisation can address the deep-rooted problem of hatred on its own, but by working together, and with wider society, we can make progress.

Our aims set out in more detail what we want to achieve. They have been developed with organisations with expertise in tackling hate crime and following engagement with communities with lived experience of hate crime.

To support these aims, we have identified 14 commitments that will be taken forward in collaboration with a range of partners. These set the strategic priorities for tackling hatred and prejudice in Scotland over the coming years, yet, crucially give us the flexibility to respond to emerging issues as they arise.

A delivery plan will set out our immediate and medium-longer term priorities to support the commitments, with clear accountability and timelines for delivery.

Aim 1: Victims of hate crime are treated with fairness, compassion and in a trauma-informed manner in which their safety and recovery is a priority.

Aim 2: The nature, characteristics, and extent of hate crime in Scotland are more fully understood and effectively inform appropriate interventions and policy development.

Aim 3: Communities are empowered, inclusive and safe, and the underlying causes of hate crime are challenged.

Our Vision and Aims

Our vision is for a Scotland where everyone lives free from hatred and prejudice.
Graphic showing the strategy's three aims and fourteen commitments, written in full between pages 26 and 40.



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