Hate crimes recorded by the police in Scotland, 2022-23
This report presents updated information on the number of hate crimes recorded by the police in Scotland during 2022-23 (along with previously published time series analysis since 2014-15).
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Hate crimes by aggravator (Table 3)
For the purposes of this analysis, we have included any crime where the specific aggravator being measured (such as race, sexual orientation etc.) has been assigned to the record. As such, any crime with multiple aggravators will be included in the figures for each of the aggravators associated with it. For example, if a crime was aggravated by race and sexual orientation, it will be included in the total number of crimes with a race aggravator and in the total number of crimes with a sexual orientation aggravator. This means the total number of crimes for each aggravator will sum to more than the total number of recorded hate crimes in Scotland.
In 2022-23, just over three-fifths (60%) of hate crimes included a race aggravator. Just over a quarter (26%) included a sexual orientation aggravator, and around one in ten (10%) had a religion aggravator. Hate crimes with a disability aggravator made up 8% of all recorded, whilst those with a transgender identity aggravator made up 3%. As noted above, any individual crime can include multiple aggravators. In 2022-23, 6% of hate crimes included more than one aggravator.
There has been a decrease since 2014-15 in the number of recorded hate crimes that included a race aggravator (down 27% from 5,178 crimes to 3,767 crimes by 2022-23). There has also been a fall in those that included a religion aggravator (down 27% from 682 in 2014-15 to 501 in 2022-23). The number of crimes with a sexual orientation aggravator increased over the same period (up 47% from 1,110 in 2014-15 to 1,637 in 2022-23). The number of crimes with a disability aggravator has more than doubled (from 260 in 2014-15 to 598 in 2022-23), and the number of transgender identity aggravated hate crimes has more than tripled, albeit from a relatively smaller base (from 53 to 168).
Email: justice_analysts@gov.scot
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