
Having a baby in Scotland 2013: Women's experiences of maternity care

Results from Scotland’s Maternity Care Survey

Foreword from the Chief Executive of NHSScotland

This report presents the national findings of the first Scottish Maternity Care Survey for 15 years. It provides valuable information on the quality of maternity care services from the perspective of women who gave birth in Scotland.

The quality and safety of maternity care are an important focus for national policy and local delivery of services. Asking women about their experiences of maternity care is an important part of assessing quality. This survey therefore aimed to provide insight into women's experiences around each stage of their maternity care: during pregnancy, during labour and birth and postnatal care in hospital and home.

The survey was undertaken by an approved contractor, Quality Health Ltd, commissioned by the Scottish Government as part of the Scottish Patient Experience programme. This report has been produced by the Chief Scientist Office funded Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Research Unit (NMAHP-RU) based in Glasgow Caledonian University and the University of Stirling in collaboration with Scottish Government Health Analytical Services Division.

The survey - based on responses from over 2,300 mothers aged 16 and over - provides us with extremely valuable insights into women's perceptions of the quality of maternity services in Scotland which is not available from other sources.

NHS Boards and hospitals in Scotland have been provided with results and are now using the findings to identify areas for improvement locally. Nationally the results will be used to target healthcare improvements and inform future maternity policy direction.

I am pleased to welcome this valuable report and to thank all those colleagues who have contributed their hard work in the design, delivery and analysis of the survey and preparing this report. Most importantly, I would like to thank the mothers who gave their time to participate in the survey. Without their help, we would not have this valuable information resource.

Paul Gray
Chief Executive, NHSScotland
Scottish Government Health Directorates


Email: Sophie David

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