
Having a baby in Scotland 2013: Women's experiences of maternity care

Results from Scotland’s Maternity Care Survey

5. Chapter 5: NHS Board Comparisons

5.1. This section of the report compares the survey results for each mainland NHS Board with results for the rest of Scotland. In particular it provides information on areas where patients at Boards reported significantly more positive experiences compared to the rest of Scotland, and areas where patients were significantly less likely to describe a positive experience.

5.2. Results for the island NHS boards (NHS Orkney, NHS Shetland, NHS Western Isles) have not been presented here due to the relatively small number of births involved.

5.3. The responses considered as 'positive' and the responses we have excluded as part of the calculation are detailed in the technical report:

5.4. Only results where the difference between the board and the rest of Scotland is statistically significant have been presented here. The full results for each mainland NHS Boards are available at the same link as above. Full results for individual islands boards are not available due to the small number of respondents.

5.5. Significance testing is done at the 5% level. This means that there is a one in twenty chance that a difference found to be significantly different is actually due to random variation rather than a real difference. Due to the large number of comparisons being made there will be some differences shown as being statistically significant, that are actually due to random variation. For this reason it is best to look at the overall patterns in the results rather than differences in results for individual questions

5.6. In interpreting the results consideration should also be given to the different characteristics of NHS Boards in Scotland. Across Boards there is a large variation in geographic coverage, population sizes and health facilities, which should be borne in mind when reviewing survey findings.

5.7. The percentage of patients answering positively for the health board in question and the percentage point difference from the total Scottish figure are shown in brackets beside each question.

NHS Ayrshire & Arran

Women in NHS Ayrshire and Arran were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • If you saw a midwife for your antenatal check-ups, did you see the same one every time? (71%; + 8)
  • Was [the midwife you saw for your antenatal check-ups] your named midwife? (78%; + 8)
  • Did you have skin to skin contact (baby naked, directly on your chest or tummy) with your baby shortly after the birth? (96%; + 6)
  • Thinking about your care during labour and birth, were you involved enough in decisions about your care? (87%; + 9)
  • Did you have confidence and trust in the staff caring for you during your labour and birth? (89%; + 6)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received during your labour and birth? (97%; + 4)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean was the hospital room or ward you were in? (81%; + 12)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean were the toilets and bathrooms you used? (80%; + 20)
  • During your pregnancy did midwives or the midwifery team provide relevant information about feeding your baby? (76%; + 7)
  • When you were at home after the birth of your baby, did you have a telephone number for a midwife or midwifery team that you could contact? (100%; + 2)
  • If you contacted a midwife or midwifery team were you given the help you needed? (94%; + 8)
  • Since your baby's birth have you been visited at home by a midwife? (100%; + 1)
  • In the six weeks after the birth of your baby did you receive help and advice from health professionals about your baby's health and progress? (86%; + 8)
  • Were you given information or offered advice from a health professional about contraception? (98%; + 5)

NHS Borders

Women in NHS Borders were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • Overall, how would you rate your antenatal care? (96%; + 5)
  • At the very start of your labour, did you feel that you were given appropriate advice and support when you contacted a midwife or the hospital? (98%; + 14)
  • Did you have skin to skin contact (baby naked, directly on your chest or tummy) with your baby shortly after the birth? (97%; + 6)
  • If your partner or someone else close to you was involved in your care during labour and birth, were they able to be involved as much as they wanted? (100%; + 5)
  • When you called did you receive assistance within a reasonable time? (88%; + 9)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received during your labour and birth? (99%; + 5)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received in hospital after the birth? (93%; + 10)
  • Since your baby's birth have you been visited at home by a midwife? (100%; + 1)
  • Did you see the same midwife for both your antenatal and postnatal care? (81%; + 20)
  • Would you have liked to have seen a midwife... (89%; + 8)
  • Did a midwife tell you that you would need to arrange a postnatal check-up of your own health? (Around 4-8 weeks after the birth) (97%; + 4)

Women in NHS Borders were significantly less likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • Did you feel that the midwife or midwives that you saw always listened to you? (66%; -12)

NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Women in NHS Dumfries & Galloway were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • During your pregnancy were you given a choice about where your antenatal check-ups would take place? (41%; + 21)
  • During your pregnancy, did you have a telephone number for a midwife or midwifery team that you could contact? (100%; + 1)
  • During your labour, were you able to move around and choose the position that made you most comfortable? (85%; + 11)
  • Did you have skin to skin contact (baby naked, directly on your chest or tummy) with your baby shortly after the birth? (97%; + 6)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean were the toilets and bathrooms you used? (78%; + 18)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received in hospital after the birth? (90%; + 8)
  • During your pregnancy did midwives or the midwifery team provide relevant information about feeding your baby? (82%; + 14)
  • Would you have liked to have seen a midwife... (92%; + 11)
  • Did you have confidence and trust in the midwives and midwifery team you saw after going home? (87%; + 9)
  • In the six weeks after the birth of your baby did you receive help and advice from a midwife or health visitor about feeding your baby? (78%; + 10)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received at home after the birth? (97%; + 6)

Women in NHS Dumfries & Galloway were significantly less likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • Was [the midwife you saw for care at home after the birth] your named midwife? (32%; -15)

NHS Fife

Women in NHS Fife were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • If you saw a midwife for your antenatal check-ups, did you see the same one every time? (70%; + 8)
  • When you called did you receive assistance within a reasonable time? (86%; + 8)
  • Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, were you given the information or explanations you needed? (74%; + 13)
  • Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, were you treated with kindness and understanding? (76%; + 9)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean was the hospital room or ward you were in? (89%; + 20)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean were the toilets and bathrooms you used? (86%; + 26)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received in hospital after the birth? (89%; + 6)
  • During your pregnancy did midwives or the midwifery team provide relevant information about feeding your baby? (78%; + 9)
  • Did you feel that midwives and other health professionals gave you consistent advice about feeding your baby? (70%; + 13)
  • If you contacted a midwife or midwifery team were you given the help you needed? (92%; + 6)
  • If you saw a midwife for your care at home after birth, did you see the same one every time? (70%; + 19)
  • Was [the midwife you saw for care at home after the birth] your named midwife? (63%; + 16)
  • Did you see the same midwife for both your antenatal and postnatal care? (72%; + 10)
  • Did the midwife or midwives that you saw take your personal circumstances into account when giving you advice? (88%; + 10)
  • Did you have confidence and trust in the midwives and midwifery team you saw after going home? (86%; + 8)
  • Did a midwife tell you that you would need to arrange a postnatal check-up of your own health? (Around 4-8 weeks after the birth) (96%; + 3)

Women in NHS Fife were significantly less likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • During your pregnancy were you given a choice about where your antenatal check-ups would take place? (14%; -7)

NHS Forth Valley

Women in NHS Forth Valley were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, were you given the information or explanations you needed? (70%; + 9)
  • Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, were you treated with kindness and understanding? (77%; + 10)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean was the hospital room or ward you were in? (85%; + 16)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean were the toilets and bathrooms you used? (82%; + 22)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received in hospital after the birth? (89%; + 7)
  • Since your baby's birth have you been visited at home by a midwife? (100%; + 1)
  • Did a midwife or health visitor ask you how you were feeling emotionally? (98%; + 2)
  • Were you given enough information about your own recovery after the birth? (74%; + 9)
  • Were you given enough information about any emotional changes you might experience after the birth? (71%; + 12)

Women in NHS Forth Valley were significantly less likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • During your pregnancy were you given a choice about where your antenatal check-ups would take place? (9%; -11)
  • If you saw a midwife for your antenatal check-ups, did you see the same one every time? (53%; -9)
  • Was [the midwife you saw for your antenatal check-ups] your named midwife? (48%; -23)
  • During your labour, were you able to move around and choose the position that made you most comfortable? (61%; -13)
  • If you saw a midwife for your care at home after birth, did you see the same one every time? (43%; -8)
  • Did you see the same midwife for both your antenatal and postnatal care? (47%; -14)

NHS Grampian

Women in NHS Grampian were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • If you saw a midwife for your antenatal check-ups, did you see the same one every time? (77%; + 14)
  • Was [the midwife you saw for your antenatal check-ups] your named midwife? (79%; + 9)
  • Thinking about your antenatal care, were you involved enough in decisions about your care? (83%; + 4)
  • Did you see the same midwife for both your antenatal and postnatal care? (67%; + 6)

Women in NHS Grampian were significantly less likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions

  • Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, were you given the information or explanations you needed? (55%; -6)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean was the hospital room or ward you were in? (58%; -11)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean were the toilets and bathrooms you used? (47%; -13)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received in hospital after the birth? (77%; -6)
  • Were your decisions about how you wanted to feed your baby respected by staff? (76%; -6)
  • Did you feel that midwives and other health professionals gave you active support and encouragement about feeding your baby? (55%; -8)

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Women in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • During your pregnancy were you given a choice about where your antenatal check-ups would take place? (28%; + 8)
  • Did a midwife tell you that you would need to arrange a postnatal check-up of your own health? (Around 4-8 weeks after the birth) (95%; + 2)

Women in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde were significantly less likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • If you saw a midwife for your antenatal check-ups, did you see the same one every time? (43%; -19)
  • Was [the midwife you saw for your antenatal check-ups] your named midwife? (54%; -17)
  • If you contacted a midwife or the midwifery team, were you given the help you needed? (77%; -4)
  • Thinking about your antenatal care, were you involved enough in decisions about your care? (74%; -4)
  • At the very start of your labour, did you feel that you were given appropriate advice and support when you contacted a midwife or the hospital? (81%; -4)
  • During your labour, were you able to move around and choose the position that made you most comfortable? (69%; -5)
  • When you called did you receive assistance within a reasonable time? (75%; -4)
  • Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, were you given the information or explanations you needed? (56%; -5)
  • Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, were you treated with kindness and understanding? (61%; -6)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean was the hospital room or ward you were in? (63%; -7)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean were the toilets and bathrooms you used? (52%; -8)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received in hospital after the birth? (77%; -6)
  • During your pregnancy did midwives or the midwifery team provide relevant information about feeding your baby? (64%; -5)
  • If you saw a midwife for your care at home after birth, did you see the same one every time? (47%; -5)
  • Was [the midwife you saw for your antenatal check-ups] your named midwife? (41%; -6)
  • Did you see the same midwife for both your antenatal and postnatal care? (52%; -9)
  • Did the midwife or midwives that you saw take your personal circumstances into account when giving you advice? (74%; -4)

NHS Highland

Women in NHS Highland were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • Did you get enough information from either a midwife or doctor to help you decide where to have your baby? (74%; + 18)
  • During your pregnancy were you given a choice about where your antenatal check-ups would take place? (29%; + 8)
  • During your antenatal check-ups, were you given enough time to ask questions or discuss your pregnancy? (93%; + 10)
  • During your antenatal checkups, were you listened to? (91%; + 9)
  • If you contacted a midwife or the midwifery team, were you given the help you needed? (89%; + 9)
  • Thinking about your antenatal care, were you spoken to in a way you could understand? (94%; + 6)
  • Thinking about your antenatal care, were you involved enough in decisions about your care? (90%; + 11)
  • Overall, how would you rate your antenatal care? (96%; + 5)
  • At the very start of your labour, did you feel that you were given appropriate advice and support when you contacted a midwife or the hospital? (94%; + 9)
  • If you raised a concern during labour and birth, did you feel that it was taken seriously? (93%; + 9)
  • When you called did you receive assistance within a reasonable time? (93%; + 15)
  • Thinking about your care during labour and birth, were you spoken to in a way you could understand? (94%; + 5)
  • Thinking about your care during labour and birth, were you involved enough in decisions about your care? (85%; + 6)
  • Did you have confidence and trust in the staff caring for you during your labour and birth? (89%; + 6)
  • Thinking about the care you received in hospital after the birth of your baby, were you given the information or explanations you needed? (71%; + 10)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean was the hospital room or ward you were in? (82%; + 13)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean were the toilets and bathrooms you used? (72%; + 12)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received in hospital after the birth? (91%; + 8)
  • During your pregnancy did midwives or the midwifery team provide relevant information about feeding your baby? (76%; + 8)
  • Did you feel that midwives and other health professionals gave you consistent advice about feeding your baby? (66%; + 9)
  • Did you feel that midwives and other health professionals gave you active support and encouragement about feeding your baby? (75%; + 12)
  • If you contacted a midwife or midwifery team were you given the help you needed? (95%; + 8)
  • Since your baby's birth have you been visited at home by a midwife? (100%; + 1)
  • Did you see the same midwife for both your antenatal and postnatal care? (70%; + 8)
  • Would you have liked to have seen a midwife... (87%; + 6)
  • Did you feel that the midwife or midwives that you saw always listened to you? (89%; + 11)
  • Did the midwife or midwives that you saw take your personal circumstances into account when giving you advice? (86%; + 8)
  • Did you have confidence and trust in the midwives and midwifery team you saw after going home? (87%; + 9)
  • Were you given enough information about your own recovery after the birth? (75%; + 11)
  • In the six weeks after the birth of your baby did you receive help and advice from health professionals about your baby's health and progress? (84%; + 6)
  • Were you given enough information about any emotional changes you might experience after the birth? (76%; + 17)
  • Were you given information or offered advice from a health professional about contraception? (96%; + 4)

NHS Lanarkshire

Women in NHS Lanarkshire were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • If you saw a midwife for your antenatal check-ups, did you see the same one every time? (74%; + 12)
  • Was [the midwife you saw for your antenatal check-ups] your named midwife? (76%; + 5)

Women in NHS Lanarkshire were significantly less likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • Did you get enough information from either a midwife or doctor to help you decide where to have your baby? (46%; -10)
  • During your pregnancy were you given a choice about where your antenatal check-ups would take place? (13%; -8)
  • During your antenatal checkups, were you listened to? (76%; -6)
  • Overall, how would you rate your antenatal care? (83%; -8)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean was the hospital room or ward you were in? (60%; -9)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean were the toilets and bathrooms you used? (52%; -8)
  • Did you have confidence and trust in the midwives and midwifery team you saw after going home? (70%; -8)
  • Overall, how would you rate the care you received at home after the birth? (86%; -5)

NHS Lothian

Women in NHS Lothian were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • If you saw a midwife for your antenatal check-ups, did you see the same one every time? (76%; + 14)
  • Was [the midwife you saw for your antenatal check-ups] your named midwife? (82%; + 11)
  • During your labour, were you able to move around and choose the position that made you most comfortable? (81%; + 7)
  • Did you see the same midwife for both your antenatal and postnatal care? (69%; + 8)

Women in NHS Lothian were significantly less likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • During your pregnancy were you given a choice about where your antenatal check-ups would take place? (14%; -6)
  • Thinking about your stay in hospital, how clean were the toilets and bathrooms you used? (54%; -6)
  • During your pregnancy did midwives or the midwifery team provide relevant information about feeding your baby? (62%; -7)
  • Did you feel that midwives and other health professionals gave you consistent advice about feeding your baby? (51%; -6)
  • Did a midwife tell you that you would need to arrange a postnatal check-up of your own health? (Around 4-8 weeks after the birth) (90%; -3)
  • In the six weeks after the birth of your baby did you receive help and advice from health professionals about your baby's health and progress? (72%; -6)
  • Were you given enough information about any emotional changes you might experience after the birth? (53%; -6)

NHS Tayside

Women in NHS Tayside were significantly more likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • During your pregnancy, did you have a telephone number for a midwife or midwifery team that you could contact? (100%; + 1)
  • Overall, how would you rate your antenatal care? (95%; + 4)
  • Were your decisions about how you wanted to feed your baby respected by staff? (88%; + 6)

Women in NHS Tayside were significantly less likely to provide positive feedback on the following questions:

  • If you saw a midwife for your antenatal check-ups, did you see the same one every time? (54%; -8)
  • Was this your named midwife? (61%; -10)
  • If you saw a midwife for your care at home after birth, did you see the same one every time? (41%; -10)
  • Was [the midwife you saw for care at home after the birth] your named midwife? (25%; -22)
  • Did you see the same midwife for both your antenatal and postnatal care? (41%; -20)
  • Were you given information or offered advice from a health professional about contraception? (87%; -6)


Email: Sophie David

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