
Health and Justice Collaboration Improvement Board minutes: December 2018

Minutes from Health and Justice Collaboration Improvement Board meeting, held on 19 December 2018.

Attendees and apologies


  • Paul Gray, SG (Chair)
  • Paul Johnston, SG
  • Malcolm Wright, NHS Tayside
  • Karyn McCluskey, Community Justice Scotland
  • Malcolm Graham, deputising for Iain Livingstone, Police Scotland 
  • Robbie Pearson, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • Iain Livingstone, Police Scotland
  • David McGown, deputising for Alasdair Hay, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Malcolm Graham, deputising for Iain Livingston, Police Scotland
  • David Williams, Glasgow City H&SC Partnership
  • Pauline Howie, Scottish Ambulance Service
  • Andrew Scott, SG
  • David Harvie, Crown Agent
  • Angiolina Foster, NHS24
  • Jane Grant, NHS GGC
  • Neil Rennick, SG
  • Ruth Glasborow, Healthcare Improvement Scotland


  • Val de Souza, Chief Officer South Lanarkshire
  • Iona Colvin, SG
  • Joyce White, SOLACE
  • Cathie Cowan, NHS Forth Valley
  • Colin McConnell, Scottish Prison Service
  • Sally Loudon, COSLA

Supporting officials: 

  • Daniel Kleinberg, Scottish Government
  • Donna Bell, Sottish Government
  • Euan Dick, Scottish Government
  • Orlando Heijmer-Mason, Health & Justice Collaboration
  • Emma Murphy, Health & Justice Collaboration
  • Michael Birrell - Policing & Health
  • Euan Dick - deputising for Gillian Russell, Scottish Government


  • Maria Kicinski – COPFS (legal assistant to David Harvie)

Items and actions

1.    Welcome, introductions and apologies

Paul Gray welcomed attendees to the meeting and noted the apologies above. The chair welcomed Angiolina Foster and Ruth Glasborow to their first meeting of the Board and informed attendees that Shiona Strachan had moved on from her role as Chief Officer and Val de Souza would join the next meeting.

2.    Minutes of last meeting

The minutes were agreed to be a faithful record of the meeting on 11 September 2018; Secretariat to correct details on attendance list.

Action: Secretariat

3.    A collaborative response to distress

In the summer, the Board agreed to establish a subgroup, to develop a strategic perspective of the various activities around distress. That subgroup had met three times over the autumn and had produced a report for the Board to consider.

A roundtable discussion encouraged the members of the Board to consider their thoughts on the contents of the report and reflect on this. It was decided that a work plan would be established to map out actions against the delivery landscape and we need to ensure that partners are actively involved, Scottish Fire and Rescue would be involved going forward. Board decided that there is a requirement to highlight more specific priorities to strengthen actions with evidence in addition to this to consider the role of digital resources around prevention. Secretariat will identify relevant contacts within organisations to set up this work.  

Action: OHM and MB 

4.    Supporting collaborative working

The Chair asked the Board to consider the paper presented to them and to discuss how they could increase and improve their collaborative working in 2019.  

Following discussion it was agreed that the Board would develop a vision referencing the National Performance Framework. There is a leadership event scheduled for May at which this would be developed.

Action: Secretariat

5.    AOB and next meeting

The Board considered a paper setting out the current barriers and the impact of poor information sharing across partners. The Board agreed it is their responsibility to address these challenges and improve practices between one another. In order to do this a Short Life Working Group would be established to take forward this work.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6 March 2019. 

Action: Health and Justice team 




Telephone: 0131 244 7306
Health and Justice Collaboration Team
3E, Saint Andrews House,
Edinburgh EH1 3DG

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