
Health and Justice Collaboration Improvement Board minutes: June 2019

Minutes from Health and Justice Collaboration Improvement Board meeting, held on 5 June 2019.

Attendees and apologies


  • Paul Johnston, SG (Chair)
  • Colin McConnell, Scottish Prison Service
  • John Hawkins, deputising for Iain Livingstone, Police Scotland 
  • Robbie Pearson, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • Martin Blunden, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Sally Loudon, COSLA
  • Pauline Howie, Scottish Ambulance Service
  • Maria Kicinski, deputising for David Harvie, Crown Agent
  • Angiolina Foster, NHS24
  • Jane Grant, NHS GGC
  • Bill Fitzpatrick, deputising for Karyn McCluskey, Community Justice Scotland
  • Joyce White, SOLACE
  • Graham Foster, deputising for Cathie Cowan, NHS Forth Valley
  • Diane Dobbie, deputising for Val de Souza, Chief Officer South Lanarkshire
  • Neil Rennick, SG
  • Richard Foggo, SG
  • Liz Sadler, SG
  • Euan Dick, deputising for Gillian Russell, SG


  • Donna Bell, SG


  • Malcolm Wright, SG
  • Vicky Irons, Angus Health and Social Care Partnership, representing Chief Officers
  • Iona Colvin, SG

Supporting officials:

  • Orlando Heijmer-Mason, SG
  • Emma Murphy, SG (Secretariat)

For agenda item:

  • 3a) Alison Bavidge, Social Work Scotland (attending for first half of the meeting)
  • 3d) Emma Croft, Police Scotland (attending for second half of the meeting)


  • Clair Henderson, SG
  • Clair Thomson, Police Scotland
  • Helen Forde, SG
  • Laura Van Der Hoeven, SG

Items and actions

1.    Welcome, introductions and apologies

Paul Johnston welcomed attendees to the meeting and noted the apologies above. The chair welcomed Liz Sadler and Richard Foggo to their first meeting of the Board and informed attendees that David Williams had moved to Scottish Government on secondment and Vicky Irons would join the meeting in September in her role as Chair of Chief Officers.

2.    Minutes of last meeting

The minutes were agreed to be a faithful record of the meeting on 19 December 2018 with no amendments.

3.    Health and Justice shared vision

The development of this vision was in response to the ‘ask’ for a shared vision from the Board in March in order to shape organisational priorities and business planning.  

The draft of the shared vision had been circulated to Board members for their consideration ahead of the meeting. Orlando Heijmer-Mason provided an overview of the engagement that had taken place since March which had shaped the context of this initial draft.  

The Board agreed that the context of the vision was accurate and reflected their shared views and priorities. The Board discussed that there is a need to engage with service users to develop a clear action plan for delivery and to develop an graphic of this vision. It was noted that consideration should be given to the language used in the vision to ensure it is easily translated by both staff and users. It was agreed a subgroup involving COSLA, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Ambulance Service, Police Scotland and Community Justice Scotland would progress these ideas ahead of the next meeting in September. 

Action: Secretariat 

Action: All Board members 

A) Health and social care in prisons

The Board noted a written update on the wider Health and Social Care in Prisons Programme. Colin McConnell presented to the Board on the challenges to delivering Health and Social Care in Prisons and the challenge of providing appropriate social care packages at short notice for individuals arriving from court. Alison Bavidge presented the progress of the Health and Social Care Integration work as part of the wider Health and Social Care in Prisons Programme. This includes tests of change for integrated health and social care in prisons, starting in August 2019. The board agreed to facilitate meeting with Adam Coldwells (Chief Officer Aberdeenshire H&SCP) as the lead for prisons among Chief Officers.

It was noted that while this work is progressing quickly, the Scottish Prison Service were looking for ways to improve these services immediately. The Board agreed that there needs to be discussions at a local level with Health and Social Care Partnerships to strengthen communication and relationships between them and SPS. The Board invited Colin McConnell to articulate an ask of the Board and issue this to them in the near future to enable to Board to address the current challenges that SPS are facing.

Action: Alison Bavidge 

B)  CMO taskforce

The Board noted the written update provided.

4.    Mental health and distress

Donna Bell provided an update to the Board on the Mental Health and Distress proposal which the Board signed off in March. Donna asked for their views on the membership for the proposed Action Group and to consider their involvement in the governance of the group. The Board agreed they were content with the membership and would welcome updates from the group and could help to make decisions as and when required.

6.   GDPR and enhanced mental health pathways

Chief Inspector Emma Croft and Assistant Chief Constable John Hawkins presented the current challenges Police Scotland are facing in relation to GDPR compliance in delivering the Enhanced Mental Health Pathways project. Police Scotland are currently awaiting advice from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) which has been delayed and will not be received until the end of August. The Board was impressed that this work has progressed to this stage and expressed its support. It felt it would bring many benefits both at an organisational level as well as to individuals in distress. Paul Johnston agreed he and Malcolm Wright would write to the ICO in their position as Co-Chair’s of the Health and Justice Collaboration Board to escalate the delay of this advice. Additionally, with GDPR having a large role in many of the Boards priorities, the Board will invite the ICO to one of their future meetings.

Action: Secretariat 

7.  Any other business

The Board noted the information sharing paper provided, an update would be given at the next meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for 4 September. 



Telephone: 0131 244 7306

Health and Justice Collaboration Team
3E, Saint Andrews House,
Edinburgh EH1 3DG

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