
Health and Justice Collaboration Improvement Board minutes: March 2018

Minutes of the meeting of the Health and Justice Collaboration Improvement Board held on 27 March 2018.

Attendees and apologies


  • Paul Johnston, (chair) Scottish Government
  • Iain Livingstone, Police Scotland
  • Rosie Wright, Police Scotland
  • Alasdair Hay, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Pat O’Connor, Scottish Ambulance Service
  • Jane Grant, NHS GGC
  • Teresa Medhurst, Scottish Prison Service
  • Karyn McCluskey, Community Justice Scotland
  • Robbie Pearson, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • David Williams, IJB Chief Officers Group
  • David Harvie, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
  • Shiona Strachan, Clackmannanshire & Stirling IJB
  • Brenda Campbell, COSLA
  • John Wood, COSLA
  • Andrew Scott, Scottish Government
  • Neil Rennick, Scottish Government
  • Gillian Russell, Scottish Government
  • Penny Curtis, Scottish Government
  • Anita Morrison, Scottish Government
  • Faheem Bhatti, Scottish Government
  • Inga Heyman, Edinburgh Napier University

    Supporting Official

  • Orlando Heijmer-Mason
  • Pat McAuley

Items and actions

1. Welcome, introductions and apologies

Paul Johnston welcomed the members the third meeting of the Health and Justice Collaboration Improvement Board. Apologies were received from Paul Gray, Joyce White and Cathie Cowan. This meeting will focus entirely on Mental Health. To accommodate other business, the Health & Justice Collaboration Team will explore the option of scheduling an additional meeting, which Police Scotland has agreed to host.

ACTION: Orlando Heijmer-Mason

2. Minutes of last meeting

The minutes were agreed to be a faithful record of the meeting on 6 Dec 2017.

3. Presentation and discussion: Black, White and Grey

A study of Police and emergency health practitioner experiences in the care of people in mental health distress

Inga Heyman presented her research.

Board members agreed that the presentation had presented a compelling picture of the complexity in this area, and articulated many important themes that have been the concern of the Board in the past, including:

  • the need for improved data and information sharing between public sector partners, especially at an early stage, allowing for effective triage and ensuring a more appropriate deployment of resources,
  • a recognition that, however committed to joint working, Health and Justice partners can only use the tools at their disposal, therefore:
  • the need to develop new pathways and tools that allow services to match patients to appropriate services more effectively – flexible to users’ needs, rather than trying to fit users into the existing system
  • the need to enable this through more effective inter-agency learning, addressing and understanding organisational cultures and philosophies


4. This section of the minutes has been redacted

in order to not inhibit a free and frank provision of advice or exchange of views around the development of advice to Scottish Ministers.

5. AOB and next meeting

Scotland has been invited to host the 2019 international Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference. The Board agreed to endorse this, and will explore partners’ interest.

ACTION: Orlando Heijmer-Mason

The next meeting is scheduled for 26 June 2018, although an earlier meeting may be held before then (see Agenda Item 1).



Telephone: 0131 244 7306
Health and Justice Collaboration Team
3E, Saint Andrews House,
Edinburgh EH1 3DG

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