Health and Social Care Data Board minutes: 14 December 2022
- Published
- 3 March 2023
- Directorate
- Digital Directorate
- Topic
- Health and social care
- Date of meeting
- 14 December 2022
- Date of next meeting
- 28 February 2023
Minutes from the meeting held on 14 December 2022.
Attendees and apologies
- Carol Sinclair (CS)
Board members
- Alan bell (AB)
- Euan Dick (ED)
- Mel Giarchi (MG)
- Roger Halliday (RH)
- Scott Heald (SH)
- Albert King (AK)
- Eilidh McLaughlin (EM)
- Martin Murchie (MM)
- Lewis Ritchie (LR)
- Penni Rocks (PR)
- Jonathan Todd (JT)
- Alison White (AW)
In attendance
- Tom Barlow (TB)
- Elena Beratarbide (EB)
- Anna Dominiczak (AD)
Programme team
- Ryan Anderson (RA)
- Simon Crawley (SCr)
- Imme Jones (IJ)
- Ruth griffith (RG)
- Colin Birchenall (CB)
- Susan Cloke (SC)
- Trish Quinn (TQ)
- Andrew Straight (AS)
- Marion Bain (MB)
- Jonathan Cameron (JC)
- Karen Hedge (KH)
- Alistair Hodgson (AH)
- Gemma Wilson (GW)
Items and actions
Welcome, introductions and apologies.
CS welcomed everyone to the fifth meeting of the Health and Social Care Data Board.
Apologies were noted from Colin Birchenall, Susan Cloke, Trish Quinn, Andrew Straight, Marion Bain, Jonathan Cameron, Karen Hedge, Alistair Hodgson and Gemma Wilson.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 October 2022 have been published on our website.
Minutes and action log
The board noted:
Minutes of last meeting held on 27 October 2022 were agreed as true and all action log items have been completed.
GW provided a written update for action 012 regarding wider implementation of ICD-11: PHS have drafted an initial response to the letter received from Scottish Government regarding implementation of ICD-11. This draft has been sent to Scottish Government for review and feedback.
Data for insight
MG, SH and AK provided an overview of Data for Insight to the board.
The presentation covered:
- providing Management Information (MI) as part of an analytical pipeline; removing where possible non-automated reporting and duplication
- setting clear pathways for commissioning and decommissioning analytical work
- moving towards a whole system approach to developing data and its use to create high quality intelligence that can be utilised to improve health and care, collecting it once for many uses
The board was asked:
- to consider setting up a working group as a subgroup of the Data Board to review and propose the Scottish Government development around MI and how this should be prioritised by national boards
- look practically at how to provide modern MI data for insight, building on the legacy from Covid-19. This working group would work in partnership with national boards who hold aspects of the data at a national level and other organisations around social care
The board discussed:
- the position of social care and the challenges around digital insight for the third and independent care sector
- how data suppliers/controllers benefit from sharing
The board agreed:
- to set up a working group as a subgroup of the Data Board
Data strategy update
RA provided an overview of the current progress of the data strategy in its latest iteration and the associated impact assessments along with the proposed roadmap and communications.
The board was asked:
- to consider the Data Strategy at this stage and its collective vision, ambition, principles and deliverables
- to consider the new title for the Data Strategy
- for their feedback on the overall layout and extent to which the Strategy meets the expectations of health, social care and social work’s interests
- what they would expect to be different going forward as a result of the Data Strategy and whether the delivery commitments are clear and actionable
The board discussed:
- reducing the length of the Strategy to aid accessibility and readability of the published document
- the document could be strengthened by making greater reference to social care and social work data and
- how the Data Strategy can acknowledge the lessons learned during Covid-19, when sharing data with the social care, social work and third sector health and care providers
The board noted:
- RA acknowledged the written feedback received from Board members and advised that this will be reviewed and implemented where appropriate throughout the Strategy
The board agreed:
- Members will provide any additional feedback on the Data Strategy by COP Friday 16 December
Supporting the use of NHS Data for research and innovation
TB, ED and AD provided an overview of the greater utilisation of NHS data for research and innovation for the public benefit.
The board was asked:
- to consider and advise what needs to be implemented in the short term to support and accelerate more efficient access and use of NHS data for research and innovation
- ensure all future digital and data developments are fully supportive and consider the use of data for research and innovation, In order to maximise the opportunities for patients, NHS and wider economic benefits
The board discussed:
- how Data Board can facilitate and better support research and innovation
- the need for research and innovation to have better visibility of available health and social care data, and how this can facilitate many purposes not just one
The board agreed:
- RH to set up a Short Life Working Group (SLWG) on data for research, to scope out the data coverage across Scotland and how to achieve a more consistent set of data that can be used for research and innovation
- SC will issue an invitation to join the SLWG to Data Board members and advise RH
National Information Governance Programme of Work (NIGP)
EB provided an update on NIGP covering:
- how the programme seeks to contribute to achieving the aims of the current Digital Health and Care Strategy and streamlining Information Governance (IG) in Scotland
- how this will enable data driven innovation in the health and social care sector, developing a holistic IG approach enabling end-to-end data and digital technologies
- how access to data and digital technologies can be improved, resolve inconsistencies in decision making and collectively manage risk, all built around the citizens choice and control
The board noted the update.
Any other business and close
Next Data Board Meeting: Tuesday 28 February from 10:00 to 12:30
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