
A Health and Biomedical Informatics Research Strategy for Scotland

This strategy sets out key areas for action and specific recommendations from the Health Informatics Research Advisory Group (HIRAG) on how Scotland should respond to the opportunities and challenges around the secure use of routinely collected patient data for research.

6 HIRAG Membership

Professor Marion Bain NHS National Services Scotland
Julia Brown Scottish Enterprise
Dr Peter Craig Chief Scientist Office
Professor Sir Ian Diamond University of Aberdeen
Roger Halliday Chief Statistician
Scottish Government
Professor Tim Hubbard Kings College London
Professor Ronan Lyons University of Swansea
Professor Andrew Morris Chief Scientist, Scottish Government
& University of Dundee
Professor Sir Lewis Ritchie (Chair) University of Aberdeen
Dr Graham Spittle IBM Ltd.
Professor Charles Swainson eHealth Clinical lead
Scottish Government


Email: Pamela Linksted

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