
Health Boards - Annual Operational Plans: sign-off letters 2019-2020

Letters issued by the Director-General for Health and Social Care relating to Annual Operational Plans (AOPs) received from all territorial and national NHS Health Boards for 2019-2020.

Annual Operational Plans (AOPs) are intended to provide Scottish Government with confirmation that NHS Boards and their partners have plans in place to demonstrate how they will continue to deliver safe and accessible treatment and care and fully deliver Ministerial priorities. 

The plans will continue to represent the agreement that sets out how NHS Boards will deliver the Cabinet Secretary’s priorities on waiting times improvement,  investment in mental health, service transformation and contribute to the delivery of greater progress and pace in the integration of Health and Social Care.

The DG Health and Social Care has issued sign-off letters relating to the 2019 to 2020 AOPs received from all territorial and national NHS Health Boards, apart from NHS Health Scotland as they prepare to become part of Public Health Scotland. The sign-off letters confirm that we consider the Plans to form a satisfactory basis on which to hold the Board to account for their contribution over the year to delivering Ministerial priorities in relation to Health and Social Care. Each of the letters is tailored to the individual circumstances of the Board, highlighting any areas where the Board is required to continue to work with officials to refine the detail of their plans or where sign-off is contingent upon achievement of a specific outcome.

NHS 24: AOP approval letter
NHS Ayrshire and Arran: AOP approval letter
NHS Borders: AOP approval letter
NHS Dumfries and Galloway: AOP approval letter
NHS Education for Scotland: AOP approval letter
NHS Fife: AOP approval letter
NHS Forth Valley: AOP approval letter
NHS Grampian: AOP approval letter
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde: AOP approval letter
NHS Golden Jubilee National Hospital: AOP approval letter
NHS Highland: AOP approval letter
NHS Lanarkshire: AOP approval letter
NHS Lothian: AOP approval letter
NHS National Services Scotland: AOP approval letter
NHS Orkney: AOP approval letter
NHS Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS): AOP approval letter
NHS Shetland: AOP approval letter
NHS The State Hospital: AOP approval letter
NHS Tayside: AOP approval letter
NHS Western Isles: AOP approval letter



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