
Health and Care Experience Survey 2019/2020: technical report

Report on the technical aspects of the survey, including development, implementation, analysis and reporting.

Annex A: Changes to 2019/20 Questionnaire

Table 1: New questions for the 2019/20 survey
Topic Question Text Reason
8 GP Practice The last time you needed an appointment with your GP practice, what kind of appointment did you get? Added to better understand the patient journey and the context of the experiences described.
9 GP Practice Overall, how would you rate each of the following?
The arrangements for getting to see a:
  • Doctor?
  • Nurse?
  • Pharmacist / Chemist?
  • Physiotherapist?
  • Mental Health Professional?
  • Community Link Worker?
  • Another Healthcare Professional?
Added to better understand the patient journey, the context of the experiences described and to better reflect how services are provided under the 2018 Scottish General Medical Services Contract.
13 GP Practice Thinking about that healthcare professional, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
  • The person I saw was appropriate for my treatment / care
Added to better understand the context of the experiences described and to better reflect the 2018 Scottish General Medical Services Contract.
13 GP Practice Thinking about that healthcare professional, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
  • I was able to ask questions if I wanted to
Question added to reflect the five key person-centred "must do with me" areas ( )
13 GP Practice Thinking about that healthcare professional, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
  • I was involved in decisions about my care and treatment
Question reinstated to reflect the five key person-centred "must do with me" areas ( )
Topic Question Text Reason
16 Out of Hours In the past 12 months, have you contacted an NHS service when you wanted to see a GP, but your GP practice was closed? Question added to ensure that only respondents who have had a relevant experience complete this section.
20 Out of Hours Thinking about the service you selected in Q17, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience?
  • I was able to ask questions if I wanted to
Question added to reflect the five key person-centred "must do with me" areas ( )
24 Care Who funds your help or support with everyday living? Please tick all that apply. Included to better understand the context of the experiences described.
31 Carers Have you had a carers assessment, now known as an Adult Carers Support Plan or Young Carers Statement (for carers under 18)? This captures information on your caring role and sets out how you wish to be supported as a carer. Included to better understand the context of the experiences described.
Table 2: Questions that were changed in the 2019/20 survey
Q. No.
Q. No.
Topic Question Text Reason
1 1 GP Practice When did you last contact the GP practice named on the enclosed letter? Reduced the number of response options as not required in analysis.
6 6 GP Practice The last time you needed to see or speak to a doctor or nurse from your GP practice quite urgently, how long did you wait? Reduced the number of response options as not required in analysis.
8 9 GP Practice Overall, how would you rate each of the following? Not all GP practices will offer the full range of different types of professions. A “Not applicable” response option has been added to reflect this.
8 10 GP Practice Overall, how would you rate the care provided by your GP practice? Question moved to improve questionnaire flow and wording updated so that it makes sense as a stand-alone question.
10 12 GP Practice What type of healthcare professional did you receive most of your treatment or advice from? Wording and response options updated to reflect the 2018 Scottish General Medical Services Contract.
11 13 GP Practice Thinking about that healthcare professional, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Staff helped me feel in control of my treatment / care
Wording updated to better reflect the five key person-centred "must do with me" areas (
18 17 Out of Hours For this section you should think about the last time you tried to get treatment in the last 12 months when your GP practice was closed. Which service did you receive most of your treatment or advice from? Wording and response options updated for clarity and to better understand the context of the experiences described.
Q. No.
Q. No.
Topic Question Text Reason
21 20 Out of Hours Thinking about the service you selected in Q17, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience?
  • Staff helped me to feel in control of my treatment/care
Wording updated to better reflect the five key person-centred "must do with me" areas (
24 23 Care This section asks questions about help and care services for everyday living including support with a caring role and help that you get from any organisations, friends or family. Introductory text updated to improve clarity.
39 33 About You How is your health in general? Response options updated to align with the Scottish Surveys Core Questions (SSCQ).
34 38 About You What best describes your ethnic group? Response options updated to align with equalities data collection guidance.
37 40 About You What best describes your work status? Response options adjusted to better understand the context of the experiences described.
38 41 About You What religion, religious denomination or body to you belong to? Response options updated to align with equalities data collection guidance.
Table 3: Questions that were removed for the 2019/20 survey
Q. No.
Topic Question Text Reason
8 GP Practice Overall, how would you rate each of the following?
The arrangements for getting to see a doctor in your GP practice.
The arrangements for getting to see another medical professional in your GP practice.
Replaced with a new question to reflect how services are provided under the 2018 Scottish General Medical Services Contract and understand the context of the experiences described.
14 Referrals Have you been referred to any other NHS health professional in the last 12 months? Please exclude any private referrals. Little use has been made of this question as respondents did not interpret the questions in the intended way.
15 Referrals Thinking about the last time you were referred by your GP practice, what type of health professional were you referred to? Little use has been made of this question as respondents did not interpret the questions in the intended way.
16 Referrals Thinking about the last time you were referred, how would you rate the coordination of your treatment/care? Little use has been made of this question as respondents did not interpret the questions in the intended way.
17 Referrals Overall, the last time you were referred, how would you rate the care you experienced at the service you were referred to? Little use has been made of this question as respondents did not interpret the questions in the intended way.
19 Out of Hours Before contacting this service, which one of the following statements applied? No longer necessary.
25 Care Did you get help from services provided by, for example, the Council, voluntary organisations, NHS or private agencies – including services you paid for? No longer necessary.



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