
Health and Care Experience Survey 2021 to 2022: national results

The Health and Care Experience Survey asks about people’s experiences of accessing and using their GP practice and Out of Hours services, aspects of care and support provided by local authorities and other organisations; and caring responsibilities and related support.


1. NHS Scotland performance against LDP standards

2. Those who had not attended the GP practice named in the last twelve months or attend a different GP practice were asked to skip questions on the GP practice and move on to the next section.

3. The OOH period is defined as: the period beginning at 6.30 pm from Monday to Thursday and ending at 8.00 am the following day; the period between 6.30 pm on Friday and 8.00 am the following Monday; and Christmas Day, New Year's Day and other public or local holidays.

4. It is important to note that when someone's care is partly or entirely funded by a public sector organisation it might have been provided by the public sector, third (voluntary) sector, private sector, or a combination.

5. Mid-2020 Population Estimates Scotland

6. Health and Care Experience Survey: materials

7. Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020

8. Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2016



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