
Health and Care Experience Survey 2023/24 Technical Report

This report contains information about the methodology and background of the 2023/24 Health and Care Experience Survey.

Survey Design

Survey Development

The survey has been carried out once every two years since 2009/2010.

For the 2023/24 round of the survey the questionnaire was reviewed to ensure continued relevance of survey questions for policy objectives, to reflect changes to the way that health and care services are provided, and to incorporate feedback from the 2021/22 survey. Details of the changes to the questionnaire can be found in Annex A.

The survey pack, comprising an invite letter, survey questionnaire, information sheet and language sheet, were reviewed and updated based on feedback received during the previous survey, the patient representatives involved in testing the survey and from other stakeholders interested in the survey outputs. The privacy notice was updated and a summary of the privacy notice was produced which provides the most important information at a glance using simpler language.

Survey Materials

The initial survey pack included a letter and an information leaflet in a range of languages. Respondents were asked to complete the survey online and told that a paper version of the questionnaire would be included with the reminder letter if they were unable to complete it online. A helpline was also available to handle questions or complaints about the survey.

A reminder pack was sent to people who had not responded to this initial letter after a couple of weeks. This pack included a reminder letter, the information leaflet and a paper copy of the questionnaire.

Materials relating to the 2023 to 2024 Health and Care Experience, including the survey pack and questionnaire, are available online.



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