Health and Care Experience Survey 2023/24 Technical Report

This report contains information about the methodology and background of the 2023/24 Health and Care Experience Survey.

Outputs from the Survey

On the Health and Care experience Survey collection page, the following outputs are available:

  • A National report on the Health and Care Experience Survey results
  • An excel spreadsheet showing results at national level and broken down at Health and Social Care Partnership level, Health Board, General Practice Cluster and General Practice level
  • An excel spreadsheet with data used for the tables in this technical report

Public Health Scotland publishes interactive dashboards showing the survey results at local level and time trends. The dashboards include:

  • Summary of Results: This dashboard presents a high level summary for some of the overarching questions from the survey. At Scotland, NHS Board and Health & Social Care Partnership level, the results are displayed for headline questions from each section of the questionnaire. At General Practice and General Practice Cluster level the results are displayed for six key questions from the first two sections of the questionnaire.
  • Most Positive and Negative Experience Ratings: This dashboard presents the questions which received the five most positive and the five most negative experience ratings for selected report areas.
  • Detailed Experience Ratings – Results: This dashboard presents results for the ratings questions in the survey. Results are shown as the percentage of people who gave a positive, neutral or negative answer. The user can select a question to compare the result to the equivalent 2021/22 result and the Scotland result, and display a time trend for all surveys since 2015/16, where questions are comparable. Statistical comparisons against 2021/22 are available at Scotland, NHS Board and Health & Social Care Partnership level.
  • Detailed Experience Ratings – Results (side by side): This dashboard presents results for the ratings questions in the survey, where the user can select two report areas to view side-by-side. Results are shown as the percentage of people who gave a positive, neutral or negative answer. Please note that no statistical significance testing has been carried out to compare results between local areas.
  • Rating Questions Comparisons: This dashboard provides an overview of the results for each question within a survey section. It presents the per cent positive results for a selected area compared to the equivalent results for Scotland and the equivalent results from the 2022 survey where comparable.
  • Information Questions – Results: This dashboard presents results for the information questions in the survey. Results are shown as the percentage of people who gave each specific response to single information questions. The user can select two report areas to view side-by-side. Please note that no statistical significance testing has been carried out to compare results between local areas.
  • About the Respondents: This dashboard presents characteristics of survey respondents, including demographic characteristics and their answers to questions relating to respondents' health. These analyses are available at Scotland, NHS Board and Health & Social Care Partnership level. Unlike the other dashboards, these analyses are presented unweighted.

More detailed explanatory notes on how to navigate and interpret the dashboards are available on the website text accompanying the dashboards.

Survey Materials

Survey materials, including covering letters, leaflets and privacy notices are available online through the Health and Care experience Survey collection page.



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