
My Health, My Care, My Home - healthcare framework for adults living in care homes: easy read

Easy read version of the framework which provides a series of recommendations that aim to transform the healthcare for people living in care homes.


33 thousand people live in care homes for adults in Scotland.

Most are living in a care home for older people and more than half of them have dementia.

People who live in care homes have a right to have their healthcare needs met in a way that:

  • is person-centred and meets all their needs
  • they can depend on
  • is planned, with different services working well together
  • supports them to live the best life possible

Care homes are where people live and call home.

They should be supported to live their best life possible.

A frameworkis a type of plan.

This framework will look to find ways for people to get better help with their healthcare – now, in the future, and if their needs change.



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